Censored – A Canadian documentary on sexual orientation change therapy that the gay lobby does not want you to watch!
Once gay always gay? – Truth or radical gay-activists’ propaganda? Watch Censored – a newly released documentary by the independent journalist Michel Lizotte – and find out what the gay lobby and the mainstream media establishment do not want you know about empirically-validated science-based therapies designed to help people with unwanted same-sex attractions. Ask yourself also the following question: if science is truly backing the ideology pushed by the gay activists (as they would have us believe), then why in order to support their cause they are compelled to engage in deception, distortion of science data, censorship, indoctrination, as well as intimidation and smear campaigns against those who testify that many homosexual people can, and in fact do, happily overcome their un-natural same-sex attractions? Ask yourself then – who are the real science deniers?