My letter to Canada’s House of Commons regarding Bill C6

Dear Members of the House of Commons

As an introduction to this brief respecting Bill C6 I would like to ask you two simple questions:

Is heterosexuality a crime? Is sexual chastity a crime?

If not, then why does Bill C6 criminalize the following:

  1. counselling intended to bring people at peace with their biological sex;

  2. counselling intended to help those who struggle with depression and suicidal thoughts after having realized that gender transition or homosexual lifestyles did not bring them the happiness and peace of mind they thought these choices would bring. And, as you ought to be well aware of, there are, in fact, many such individuals, and accordingly, they are ardent opponents of Bill C6[1];

  3. counseling intended to repress or reduce non-heterosexual attraction or sexual behavior (personally, I deeply regret for not having been counselled in my teens on the suppression of sexual behaviour, because engaging in sex beyond marital bounds brought me nothing but emotional pain).

Next, besides for all practical intents and purposes criminalizing heterosexual orientation, the Bill C6 is grossly hypocritical. Because it allows for a transition to a non-biological gender while forbidding the re-transition or restoration to a natural gender, and that even if the individual wants it, as in fact, many do.[2] And so the same liberal mindset that is screaming “pro-choice” in order to justify abortion, forbids “pro-choice” when it comes to transgenders and homosexuals having a choice to exit those kinds of lifestyles. The liberal politics further permits the indoctrination of children in schools via the SOGI123 curriculum to accept ideas life gender fluidity, which in turn brings many children in conflict with their natural gender. So again, while it is apparently permissible to counsel someone away from their biological gender, it is not permissible to counsel them otherwise. And here is a real life example of this blatant hypocrisy in action (from a recent Barbara Kay’s report in the National Post)[3]:

“A recent submission by Pamela Buffone to the standing committee on justice and human rights respecting C-6 illuminates this core fallacy at the very heart of the bill. The Buffones are awaiting a hearing date at the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal. They claim a form of “conversion therapy” was practised on their daughter in her Grade 1 classroom.
On multiple occasions, the girl’s teacher told the class, “There’s no such thing as girls and boys,” reinforced by materials like videos promoting theories of gender fluidity. The daughter recounted one whiteboard lesson, during which the children were directed to write their names on a gender spectrum according to the degree they “felt” like a typical girl or boy. The daughter put her name at the end of the spectrum beside “girl.” But in this same lesson, the teacher told the children, “Girls are not real and boys are not real.”
The Buffones’ previously happy daughter became so anxious about her identity not being “real” that she fretted constantly, even asking if she should see a doctor. Buffone states in her attestation, “What happened in my daughter’s classroom was ‘a practice designed to change a person’s gender identity’the very definition of conversion therapy that you are criminalizing with your bill.” Buffone’s logic seems impeccable to me.
The Buffones met with everyone from the teacher right up the education-system chain to the top, and were stonewalled at every turn. They were told this was “the new reality” they had to accept. The College of Teachers told them this ideology is ingrained in the Ministry of Education curriculum, and that “what was being taught was effectively mandated by our government.” [emphasis added]

Now, Christians are often represented as bigots, but here I see a clear case of bigotry which is not only satisfied with “respect my own opinion, choice, lifestyle and worldview”, but actually seeks to coercively impose it on others and wants to criminalize all those who refuse to submit.

Worse still, government sanctioned policies allow harmful hormone treatment therapies and surgical removal of healthy body-parts (which for all practical intents and purposes equals mutilation) which are irreversible and can and actually have permanently destroyed people’s lives, as many transgender individuals themselves testify.[4] And here is one such testimony:

“Being transgender is now a want that you can turn into reality. It can be created through medical intervention, but the treatments are NOT reversible and have significant risks; many people with gender dysphoria believe hormones are reversible, but they are not. Many parents put their kids on puberty blockers, thinking they are reversible, but they are not.
In the UK, the NHS recently realized this and is changing its stance; but it's something Canada has refused to look at. Why? We forget the massive amount of revenue generated by pushing our kids to believe they are transgender. Moreover, the doctors, social workers, and gender clinics are not being transparent about the myriad risks of medical transition.
During my own transition, I had seven surgeries to change my appearance to male. As side effects, I also had a massive pulmonary embolism, a helicopter life-flight ride, an emergency ambulance ride, a stress-induced heart attack, sepsis, a 17-month recurring infection due to using the wrong skin during a (failed) phalloplasty, 16 rounds of antibiotics, three weeks of daily IV antibiotics, the loss of all my hair, (only partially successful) arm reconstructive surgery, permanent lung and heart damage, a cut bladder, insomnia-induced hallucinations—oh and frequent loss of consciousness due to pain from the hair on the inside of my urethra. All this led to a form of PTSD that made me a prisoner in my apartment for a year.
Medical transition comes with significant risks and long-term effects that have yet to be adequately studied. What we do know is that the long-term use of synthetic hormone therapy shortens lives. Specifically, these medications are associated with an increased risk of heart attacks, pulmonary embolisms, bone damage, liver and kidney failure, mental-health complications, and more. Almost a quarter of hormone-therapy patients on high-dose anabolic steroids (such as the testosterone taken by female-to-male transitioners) exhibit major mood-syndrome symptoms. Between three and 12 percent go on to develop symptoms of psychosis. Children who claim to be trans typically are receiving such drugs at a pivotal time in the development of brains and bones. They've become a generation of guinea pigs.”[5]

“I just happened to get deathly ill from my transition, and it forced me to see what was happening. In one afternoon I read the Swedish study and learned about a transwoman who shot herself in the head at nineteen, leaving a note that she could not have children and now realized she was gay man who no longer wanted to live with her broken body. I wailed the same way Bee did that night she told me about her conversion therapy. I felt a burden land on my shoulders that has given me a recurring nightmare.
The nightmare starts with a transman in his 20s dialing his parents through sobs: “Mom, I can't have kids, I wear diapers, no one wants to date me, and my choices for a life partner are slashed by 90%. The doctor just told me I have early-onset osteoporosis, and I will be dependent on drugs for the rest of my life. Mom, I was a lesbian and a kid; why did you let me do this to my body? I am now trapped in the wrong body.”
The child's mom tries to comfort her daughter through the phone but hears a boom as the 357 magnum sends a bullet through her child's brain.
Have you ever heard a mother screaming, knowing her child just died? I hear it every night as I jump out of bed; the sound will NEVER leave me.”[6]

“Gender dysphoria is a feeling of disconnection of one's born gender; it's a mental illness that can and has shown to improve with therapy. Transgenderism is acting on this feeling by undergoing a medical transition, and this, my friends, no matter how much you don't want it to be, is a choice akin to plastic surgery. I know that is bothersome to hear, but reality is not transphobia. Reality is healthy; delusions are not.[7] [emphasis added]

Indeed, reality is not transphobia, reality is healthy; delusions are not. And those who continue to promote delusions really do not love people, nor do they have people’s best interests at heart as they claim they do. Sexual orientation is not a myth, it is determined biologically by X and Y chromosomes. I can yell till I am blue in the face – “the moon is square, the moon is square”, but no amount of me yelling this will change the fact that the moon is round and not square.

Now, there is no need to pretend what is really at play here, for it is a war between two religions: secular humanism/neo-gnosticism versus Christianity.

“While Canadians follow many gods (theistic or material like money, sex, or sports), there is one dominant religion. And it isn’t Christianity or Islam.
To understand what it is, we can look to the opening chapter of Nancy Pearcey’s excellent book Love Thy Body, where she explains the “radically fragmented, fractured, dualistic view of the human being” that has developed in Western culture. She calls it personhood theory.
Personhood theory says the true “you” – the actual person – is not the body you have but what you feel you are, your sense of self...
This is a dualistic understanding of the human person that, instead of viewing our mind and our body as an integrated whole, sees them as two separable pieces. It declares: you are your mind; you are not your body.
It’s also a deeply religious view, isn’t it? You can’t prove in a science lab that the “soul” or your “internal sense of self” is actually female when the biological body is genetically and anatomically male. You have to accept it on faith.
And yet the idea that the human person – who you really are – is something wholly different from the human body is taken as an article of faith by the legal, political, academic, journalistic, and (increasingly) economic leaders of our Western culture...
Philosopher Robert P. George, in a long-form article titled “Gnostic Liberalism,” explains that this separation and elevation of the mind or the soul over the body is actually the outworking of the millennia-old heresy of Gnosticism, back in new clothes. It sees the soul as a “ghost in a machine.” George says that in this new version of the Gnostic religion, “the body serves at the pleasure of the conscious self, to which it is subject.”
Your religious view on the nature of the body and the soul has implications for all kinds of social, legal and moral issues, like transgenderism and sex-changes. The Christian view, says Robert George, is that “respect for the person demands respect for the body, which rules out mutilation and other direct attacks on human healthChanging sexes is a metaphysical impossibility because it is a biological impossibility.” Pearcey agrees, writing, “Christianity holds that body and soul together form an integrated unity – that the human being is an embodied soul.”
Robert George concludes that this Gnostic view of the human being (he also describes it as “expressive individualism”) is now the dominant orthodoxy among Western cultural elites. Itprovides the metaphysical [i.e. religious] foundation of the social practices against which Orthodox Jews and faithful Christianscontend today: abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, sexual liberation, the redefinition of marriage, and gender ideology.
There should be no doubt in our minds: Canada has a dominant religion. That religion has various names, but biblical Christianity is not one of them. Neo-Gnosticism, secular humanism, expressive individualism, or moral therapeutic deism; all describe the dominant religion, a belief system with a destructive view of mankind that stands in sharp contrast to the beautiful truth of the biblical view of man: human beings created as either male or female – body and soul, an integrated whole – in the image of God.”[8] [emphasis added]

Personally, I am not too disturbed by Bill C6 because true conversion “therapy”, as all those well know who have experienced it, is a work of God and not of man. And as such, it cannot be stopped by the hand of man, for finite power will never prevail over infinite power.

Further, true conversion is when God transforms the mind and the heart of the person in order to bring them to conformity to the will and the mind of God. And this conversion never brings any unwanted and regretted side effects but peace that passes understanding (Philippians 4:7).

Man-made ideologies only bring false peace for which reason Christ said, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” (John 14:27).

Finally, the Bible does have something to say to those who frame evil by law: God shall bring upon them their own iniquity, and shall cut them off in their own wickedness, unless of course they repent (Psalm 94:20, 23). The Word of God also says “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!” (Isaiah 5:20-21).

And whether men like to hear it or no, yet one day, all shall have to give account to God on Judgment Day (Revelation 20:11-15), and on that Day there won’t be such a person as an atheists.

Now I am not saying this because I hate those who are in favour of this bill, quite on the contrary. Those who actually hate people labour very strongly to keep people secure in their delusions. Truth alone sets free (John 10:32, 34-36; John 14:6) whereas lies however smooth and popular will damn the soul for all eternity.


Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? – Galatians 4:16.




Lucija Tomljenovic, PhD (biochemistry)


[1] See and

[2] Ibid.

[3] Barbara Kay: The case for deep-sixing Bill C-6, November 20, 2020, available from

[4] See; Hundreds of trans people regret changing their gender, says trans activist, October 7, 2019, available from News Medical Life Sciences.

[5] Scott Newgent, Bill C-6 needs more nuance: Conversion therapy is wrong but pushing kids to trans-medically is worse, October 10, 2020, available from Trans Educational Voices.

[6] Ibid.

[7] Ibid.

[8] Andre Schutten, July 2020, Are bans on conversion therapy actually bans on religious conversion…in drag? Available from