Lecture 1: Are PCR test results a reliable indicator of the severity of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic?

Right from the start of this “pandemic” the politicians and the mainstream media have led us to believe that a positive PCR test, irrespective of clinical presentation, is to be regarded and reported as a COVID-19 case, and is therefore synonymous with COVID-19 disease. COVID-19 however is the designation for a severe illness that occurs only in about 10% of infected individuals, while up to a staggering 98% of PCR test-positives are individuals who are either completely asymptomatic (~80%) or show only mild symptoms. The reason therefore why in the opening sentence I decided to put the word pandemic in quotation marks is because a real pandemic is defined as the global spread of an infectious disease. The final letter in the abbreviation COVID stands, in fact, for disease. And, as any sane medical scientist will tell you – a disease requires symptoms. Even the WHO admits that most PCR assays are indicated as an aid for diagnosis (rather than as a sole determinant), and therefore, health care providers must consider any result in combination with seven other factors (including clinical observations, patient history, and confirmed status of any contacts) in order to establish the correct diagnosis. Similarly, Public Health England’s National COVID-19 case definition required the presence of symptoms. And yet for some reason, for all practical intents and purposes, symptoms have become completely irrelevant in diagnosing individuals whose COVID-19 PCR tests yield a positive result. Commenting on this observation, a group consisting of a diagnostic pathologist, a medical doctor, Pfizer’s former chief scientific officer, vice-president, allergy and respiratory research head, and a lawyer, rightly concluded that “if we tested for influenza in the same way and with the same implications, we would have to lock down every winter.” They further emphasize that since the PCR tests are not actually measuring the disease, “it is nonsense to rely simply on positive test cases without requiring the presence of symptoms to define the scale of the epidemic” [emphasis mine]. If all this was not bad enough, the COVID-19 PCR test as currently implemented is notorious for its high rate of false positive results (up to 90%!!), and yet in spite of this, positive PCR tests are to this day being used by governments around the world to lock down entire countries, thus destroying their economies and civil liberties.

“The PCR-based system routinely reports positivity values exceeding the absurd, and these are accepted without comment. This has been allowed to happen because the assumption is that PCR is high science and cannot be far wrong. Nothing can be further from the truth.” – Craig, Engler, Yeadon & McNeill (PCR-Based Covid Testing Has Failed)

What you have just read here from genuine experts is that the very basis for the vast majority of currently globally implemented anti-COVID-19 measures is essentially a giant lie!! Now pause and think hard about this all you who have shut the doors of your churches in responses to this virus. Not only then is not this “pandemic” what it is made-up to be by the public health officials and the mainstream media, but worse still, the high rate of false positives generated by the globally-sanctioned COVID-19 PCR test means that this great illusion will stay with us for as long as we continue obsessing with mass testing. It is said for a good reason then that those who do not learn from history are bound to repeat its errors, because what we are witnessing here, in fact, is nothing unprecedented:

“A false positive pseudo-epidemic is a well described phenomenon in the medical literature which results in an exponential rise in diagnosed cases and deaths but no excess deaths. PCR testing is renowned for it and the “second wave” of Swine Flu in 2009 was entirely a false positive pseudo-epidemic only stopped by stopping the testing.”

“. . .we have a major problem with PCR-testing. This is distorting policy and creating the illusion that we are in a serious pandemic when in fact we are not.”– Craig, Engler, Yeadon & McNeill (PCR-Based Covid Testing Has Failed)

Now, to suggest that COVID-19 is not really a highly lethal pandemic as so many have been led to believe, but rather a false-positive pseudo-case-demic – i.e., a scamdemic, seems tantamount to heresy. However, truth and facts are seldom welcome to our emotional prejudices, especially when these have been engendered and bolstered by the relentless state-authorized and mainstream media-orchestrated fear-mongering propaganda.

In order to further separate fact from fiction, we should be asking ourselves the following key questions: what then does a positive COVID-19 PCR test factually mean, as opposed to what we are led to believe it means by the lockdown and mask-mandate enforcers and advocates? And further, can it distinguish between SARS-CoV-2 and other coronaviruses and bacterial pathogens? And finally, can it distinguish between an infectious virus and non-infectious viral fragments?

For answers to these questions and more, please consider checking out part 1 of Unmasking the Panic-demic:

Watch video on my Brighteon channel Isaiah59_19


Lecture 2: Is the mass hysteria surrounding SARS-CoV-2 scientifically justified?


COVID-19 fast facts: fatality rate