Arminian anti-predestinarian free-willism – a spawn of Popery and Counter-Reformation Jesuitism

It is quite possible that this title will not only be surprising but also very offensive to great many Christians who are of the opinion that God provided redemption for all men without exception and that it is ultimately our “free will” decision that settles the question of our salvation. However, just because something is offensive does not make it untrue. And Christians above all other people ought to care for nothing but the Truths of Scripture. And so what exactly is the Good News of the Gospel? That God saves those who help themselves “free willingly” of His grace which allegedly He extended to all men universally? However popular such notions may be among professing Christians, are they really rooted in Scripture or rather, in men’s carnal prejudices?


Confession of an ex-Roman Catholic and Arminian heretic. Yes, I dare to call Arminianism heresy and, as you are about to see, I am in good company


How is any sinner saved and justified? Most who call themselves “evangelicals” don’t have a clue and think like the Roman Catholics!