How is any sinner saved and justified? Most who call themselves “evangelicals” don’t have a clue and think like the Roman Catholics!

  1. What does it mean to be justified freely by God’s grace (Romans 3:24)? Most contemporary evangelicals have retrograded back to the Dark Ages and thus think just as the Roman Catholics and all religious humanists that God justifies those who ultimately justify themselves!

  2. What exactly is justifying faith – our own “free will” choice by which we merit our salvation, or a fruit of God’s sovereign regenerating grace by which He alone saves those whom He predestined to adoption out of the curse of their total moral corruption?

  3. If justifying faith depends on man’s own self-determined ”free will” exercise then salvation is neither sure nor all of free grace

  4. Why justification must be of grace alone through faith alone in the righteousness of Christ alone? Because He alone fulfilled all righteousness, and from anyone who desires to enter His Kingdom, God will demand nothing less!

  5. Arminianism is a devilish soup-blend of Popery, Mormonism and spiritual Darwinism: God saves the innately fittest and those who work the hardest in utilizing the power of infused grace to justify themselves by their own works of righteousness

  6. You Calvinists are teaching erroneous doctrines when you say that salvation is without our own works of righteousness, and you are utterly deluded for you blatantly contradict James who says that faith without works is dead!

  7. Do the doctrines of unconditional election and justification by Christ’s imputed righteousness lead to antinomianism, or is this another vain calumny launched against Calvinism by the Pharisaical spirit of Popery and Arminianism?

  8. You are misrepresenting Arminianism, we are not Papists, and we do not teach justification by inherent righteousness but by grace through faith in Christ alone!

  9. Debunking Arminian mythology that theirs is an “all grace” soteriology

  10. Although some Arminians deny it vehemently, yet the logical implication of their theology is that faith which is of man’s own working and exertion is ultimately imputed to him for his justification!

  11. The foundation of the blasphemous self-salvation theology of the champions of Arminianism and Popery is their shallow understanding of the doctrine of man’s original depravity


Arminian anti-predestinarian free-willism – a spawn of Popery and Counter-Reformation Jesuitism


Once saved always saved: a devil’s Lie or the most precious and comforting Truth of the Gospel?