Once saved always saved: a devil’s Lie or the most precious and comforting Truth of the Gospel?

  1. Introductory remarks: Scripture cannot contradict Scripture – Christ laid down His life for His sheep and to them alone He gives eternal life so that none of them can ever perish. He is their propitiation, justification and redemption from the bondage of corruption, so that to them there is now no more condemnation

  2. Refuting Arminianism’s key argument for conditional perseverance of the saints – verses that seem to imply that some can finally perish for whom Christ died

    • Hebrews 6:4-6: Those who fall away from their outward Christian profession make manifest that they were never actually transformed by the Spirit of effectual inward regeneration

    • 2 Peter 2:1:If there be some who deny the Lord that bought them, it is only because they are the many who are called outwardly but not the few who are chosen and called effectually – i.e., transformed inwardly 

    • Romans 14:15 & 1 Corinthians 8:11: A redeemed sinner cannot perish eternally on account of things indifferent and inconsequential

    • Hebrews 10:29: To say that Christ’s blood failed to redeem every single sinner whom it was shed for is to esteem to some degree this blood of the New Covenant wherewith Christ Himself was sanctified as a thing common and unholy 

  3. The universal atonement theory of Arminianism and Popery destroys the Good News of the Gospel effectively and is therefore an intolerable heresy

  4. The Arminian and Papist advocates of losable and conditional salvation maintain that their doctrine exalts the love of God unequivocally while in reality it denies it utterly

  5. Concluding remarks: Universal atonement is a fiction because by Christ’s death on the cross God’s sovereign grace wrought for His sheep eternal redemption


How is any sinner saved and justified? Most who call themselves “evangelicals” don’t have a clue and think like the Roman Catholics!


Conditional election based on God’s foreknowledge of man’s “self-determination” to believe on Christ for salvation: the Truth of Scripture or a Popish and Arminian invention?