Conditional election based on God’s foreknowledge of man’s “self-determination” to believe on Christ for salvation: the Truth of Scripture or a Popish and Arminian invention?

  1. Decisional regeneration and election – its disturbing origins and errors: by denying man’s total moral depravity and his will’s total bondage to iniquity, the “free will” gospel of Popish Christianity denies the wonder and the glory of God’s saving grace utterly, because it makes the sinner’s salvation not a miracle of new creation but a matter of a simple decision that is effected entirely by the power of ordinary persuasion!

  2. The notion that God elects those whom He foreknew would believe by their “free will” on Christ for salvation is not the teaching of Scripture but of the Jesuits of the Counter-Reformation

  3. What exactly is foreknowledge in the Scripture’s sense?

  4. Conditional election – a theology of utter confusion that inverts the Scripture and makes the fruit or the effect of election the cause of election


Once saved always saved: a devil’s Lie or the most precious and comforting Truth of the Gospel?


The grossly heretical implications of the doctrines of conditional election and libertarian freedom