The grossly heretical implications of the doctrines of conditional election and libertarian freedom
Hollow fruits and Luciferian roots of Arminian liberation theology – Conditional decrees strip God of His sovereignty and exalt the creature at the throne of deity
God is absolutely sovereign over everything that happens, so that there is nothing in and under the heaven that happens by blind chance;
However this may be irritating to the humanist mindset and the “spirit of the age”, the Scripture nonetheless declares without any ambiguity that God wills to be known for the fact He is no less sovereign over all evil than over all good – i.e., sin and evil would not exist had not God expressly purposed for them to exist. And yet, that does not make God a moral monster for He decreed evil to exist for many a good purpose. But, say ye – if God is absolutely sovereign, is man then not a mere automaton? Nay, but rather a creature under divine subjection, serving God’s own ultimate purpose in creation;
However again this enrages the humanist sentiment, yet God does not apologize for the fact that He made all things for Himself and His own glory, and not for the benefit, pleasure and happiness of the man-creature. The creation was thus brought into being to manifest the glory of the Creator, and the plain fact of the matter is that He desires to be known and glorified not only by His mercy, love and grace, but also by the judgment which He executes (Psalm 9:16). Therefore, He purposely and deliberately set apart some vessels of fallen human clay for glory and everlasting salvation, while others He reserved for wrath, judgment and destruction. Reprobation then is not an act of arbitrary sovereignty but of sovereign justice since God reprobates none but fallen and morally totally corrupt sinners;
God’s justice in sovereign reprobation is vindicated by man’s original corruption: for the fall of Adam was not a fall of one man individually but of all humanity generically and representatively (Romans 5:12, 18) – i.e., in Adam all humanity stood and fell, was at first innocent and undefiled but is now guilty, sinful and condemned. For if we are sinners actually, as in fact is the case, it is only because we were sinners originally. It is thus utterly false and incongruous to charge God with cruelty and moral ambiguity in reprobation when it is but a just judgment for the reprobates’ sin and total moral corruption. In reprobation therefore God will satisfy His justice, while in salvation He will glorify the riches of His grace
Although man works evil himself, he does so according to God’s determinate counsel, and yet without constraint and voluntarily – as in fact is most evident from the Scripture’s account of the greatest crime in the whole of human history – execution of Christ on Calvary (Acts 2:22-24; Acts 4:24-28);
There is no prophecy in the Scripture, nor any promise made by God to His people that does not in some way or another depend on the concurrence of men’s will to fulfill it. Unless therefore God is able to sovereignly determine the voluntary acts of His rational creatures to fulfill His purposed ends, none of His prophecies and promises can be trusted, in which case He is no God. Therefore, to strip God of His sovereignty is to strip Him of His divinity – a complete and utter heresy!
Libertarian free-willism’s gross absurdities, Scriptural errors and blatant inconsistencies: salvation is not by sovereign election and grace but by evolutionary selection and causeless – i.e., random choice
Moral responsibility requires moral ability – Biblical theology or man-made philosophy?
Rationalistic philosophy – the founding stone of Arminian libertarian heresy
Free will philosophy – the very essence of creatures’ idolatry, devilish rebellion and conspiracy against divine sovereignty