The abysmal and disgraceful failure of Christian leadership during the coronavirus scare-demic – Part 3
By not doing their own fact-checks on COVID-19, and by failing to uphold God’s Law on contagion (Leviticus 13), as well as His Law on civil government’s role and sphere of jurisdiction (Romans 13), the blind churchmen have been leading the blind church people right into the hellish idolatry of full-fledged statist tyranny. And so instead of acting as checks to government authoritarianism they are helping to establish it!
In Parts 1 & 2 of this series of articles I have discussed how the vast majority of Christian leaders have committed an act of treachery by handing over to the civil governments the authority to dictate church matters – a prerogative that belongs to Christ alone as the Head of the church (Ephesians 1:22; 5:23; Colossians 1:18). In thus putting Caesar over Christ, the churchmen have also deserted their own responsibility as Christ’s under-shepherds to keep the charge of His house – the church – and nurture and care for its members (Acts 20:28; 1 Peter 5:2-3), and that in a time of a most grievous government-measure precipitated public crisis of loneliness, hopelessness, depression, brokenness, despair, anxiety and poverty. In short, when people of our society most needed the church’s door to stay open, the blind and reckless under-shepherds have shut them. Now, the fact that a big fraction of professing Christianity, and especially its leadership, has thus abdicated their responsibility to their Lord over a flu-like virus further brings me further to another troubling question that has been haunting me for the past 11 months, and I was somewhat comforted to see others asking themselves the very same:
“Why does the church believe the lie of COVID-19? We’ve already done our research, most of us here, and learned that it is a lie. Hence the question – how is it that the vast majority of churchmen and Christians could not see COVID for the fraud and evil that it is? How could they not see as a tool of evil men and government officials that it is? How could they not see it was a molehill being made into a mountain? How could they not discern that evil was and is a foot, not only in our nation but around the globe? How could they not see it as a fraud and evil that it was when it impugned God’s created order and men were not allowed to work? How could they not see it for the fraud and evil that it was when the churches were deemed non-essential and closed down, but the abortion death camps [and liquor stores] were deemed essential and remained open? How could they not see it for the fraud and evil that it was when God’s Law [Leviticus 13] makes it clear that you quarantine the sick, but our government is quarantining all of society? Why did it take months before some began to see it? And why do many, most, still believe it, and most all still aid and abet it? Why is that?” – Matthew Trewhella (pastor, Mercy Seat Christian Church, Wisconsin, A White Lie and Black Death: Why Does the Church Believe the COVID19 Lie? Part I)
Why then does the professing Christian church by large to this day believe the COVID-19 cult?? Some of us have indeed done our research because our governments’ anti-COVID measures seemed to be exaggerated and arbitrary and moreover, because we firmly believe that we should take no man’s word as we take God’s Word. And this all the more so when the word which we are supposed to just swallow comes from our liberal secular Scripture-hating anti-Christian government which calls evil good, and good evil; and puts darkness for light, and light for darkness (Isaiah 5:20). And lo and behold, it did not take long before our suspicions concerning our government’s anti-COVID measures were proven right. Why then did not the rest of Christians do their own research? Why did they unconditionally absorb instead all that the politicians, health officials and the state-sponsored media parroted as if it were the Gospel?? Since when do Christian people believe in the infallibility of human governments and authorities that they fail to do their own homework? And moreover, since when do they believe in the infallibility of their ministerial authorities, as the Catholics do, that they condone them even when they go contrary to the Word of God and betray Christ, so that contrary to God’s command they close their churches because of a flu-like virus scare?? A virus that the health authorities, the statists, the public health officials and their media puppets claim is responsible for “the world’s worst crisis since Second World War”, and ignorant men call it “the plague”, when in reality it has a 99.74% survival rate!! And moreover, in 80% of the carriers this supposedly ghastly “plague” causes no symptoms whatsoever, so that were it not for all the obsession about PCR testing and state-media fomented alarmism, we would never have even known that there is a new infectious agent out there!!
“If we had not known about a new virus out there, and had not checked individuals with PCR tests, the number of total deaths due to “influenza-like illness” would not seem unusual this year. At most, we might have casually noted that flu this season seems to be a bit worse than average.” – John P. A. Ioannidis (professor of medicine, of epidemiology and population health and by courtesy, of statistics and of biomedical data science at Stanford Prevention Research Center, A Fiasco in the Making? As the Coronavirus Pandemic Takes Hold, We Are Making Decisions Without Reliable Data)
“98% of [PCR] test positives show no or only mild symptoms. But the media uncritically mix test and infection, infection and symptomatic disease, symptomatic disease and death. The severely affected persons are 80+ [years] on average and in the vast majority of cases suffer from severe pre-existing conditions.” – Wolfgang Wodarg (internist and pulmonary physician, specialist for hygiene and environmental medicine, public health and social medicine. Former member of the German Federal Parliament and former chairman of the Subcommittee on Health in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, War Against a Joker)
“There is no evidence to show that the 2019 coronavirus is more deadly than respiratory adenoviruses, influenza viruses, coronaviruses from previous years, or the rhinoviruses responsible for the common cold.” – Pablo Goldschmidt (virologist and professor of molecular pharmacology at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris, Coronavirus: “El Pánico es Injustificado”, Dice un Virólogo Argentino en Francia)
“Since there seems to be no major differences between COVID-19 and influenza in terms of infectivity and case fatality rates, why were draconian measures applied now and not during the 2009 influenza pandemic?”– Peter C. Gøtzsche (MD, former leader of the Nordic Cochrane Center in Copenhagen, Denmark, and co-founder of the Cochrane Collaboration, The Coronavirus Pandemic: Can We Handle Such Epidemics Better?)
“The course of covid-19 followed the course of a normal wave of infection similar to a flu season…There is nothing different from what we normally see…
Covid-19 is a well treatable condition with a mortality rate comparable to the seasonal flu…There is no state of emergency.” – Docs4OpenDebate (Open Letter From Medical Doctors and Health Professionals to All Belgian Authorities and All Belgian Media)“COVID-19 is a disease that makes some people sick, proves fatal to a few, and does nothing to the rest. Just like any annual flu.” – Sucharit Bhakdi & Karina Reiss (SB: microbiologist immunobiologist, former chair of Medical Microbiology at the University of Mainz, and one of the most cited German medical scientist; KR: Associate professor at the University of Kiel, recognized expert in biology, biochemistry, inflammation, and infection, Corona False Alarm? Facts and Figures)
Now again I ask, does a supposed “threat” from such a virus indeed justify the total suspension or even severe limitation of church services, and unquestionable and rigid compliance with public health orders? Apparently the answer of the majority of churchmen and church people to this question is yes! And in consequence of such an utterly degenerate thinking according to which disobedience to God in certain circumstances is apparently justified (and these moreover do not have to be very exceptional circumstances either!!), and further, in consequence of the failure to do one’s own homework, we now have, for most part, the blind churchmen leading the blind church people, right into the idolatrous hell of full-fledged statism!! And thus instead of acting as checks to government tyranny they are helping to establish it! We are already living in a statist hell precisely because people are slothful and do not want to take responsibility for their own lives and so they allow the state to do all their thinking and care for them.
“Look, do you understand that people are trusting their premier like he is God? They hang on his every word because his words [apparently] move the oceans!…They are not with God’s people, they are not under God’s under-shepherds, they are not being pointed to the chief Shepherd, so they are looking to a bunch of tyrants to shepherd them, and they hang on their words like they’re God.” – Jacob Reaume (pastor, Trinity Bible Chapel, Waterloo, Ontario, The Problem Behind Our Problems: Where Are the Shepherds?", Ezekiel 34:1-10)
“Statism is where the state is the be all and all, they cure every ill, they have the answer for every problem and we always look to them, and that is absolutely wrong. God has created three great governments, they all have their own jurisdiction, functions and limits, and that’s family government, church government and civil government…but what we have now is the statist hell where everything is brought under the jurisdiction of the civil government.” – Matthew Trewhella (COVID-19 & Quarantine Laws)
“The purpose of the civil government is not to control every aspect of our lives but to deal with evil doers, and create an environment for individual liberty. It is not to be our saviour, this is statism, and the church should be the first voice raised against it in order to encourage a free society. Now, you tell me how many pulpits have been warning people about this over the past year?” – Armen Thomassian (minister of Faith Free Presbyterian Church, Greenville, South Carolina, Unmasking a Future Lockdown, Part 2)
Now, it does not surprise me to see unbelievers obeying blindly and unconditionally the civil government, since they do not know Christ, and therefore, the government is indeed their one and only god and saviour, but to see the Christians do the very same, instead of denouncing and opposing such abominable idolatry, is absolutely appalling!! You are to be a light to the unbeliever and point them to the real Saviour, you are not to confirm them in their gross idolatry that will lead them straight to hell for all eternity!! Why then are you submitting to the statist hell, and so instead of being a solution to the problem you are part of the problem??
Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD. For he shall be like the heath in the desert, and shall not see when good cometh; but shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, in a salt land and not inhabited. – Jeremiah 17:5-6.
And thus by going along with the public health orders the Christian churchmen are directly promoting both, the gross and accursed idolatry of statism and practical atheism. And that because instead of encouraging people to look unto God and His wisdom in the times of crisis (by rejecting His Law on contagion in Leviticus 13 according to which only the sick and symptomatic are to be isolated) they are encouraging them to look unto the state.
“When men reject the Lord’s rule, they often run to the state in order to replace the void. This is why historically atheism most often leads to statism. The other [thing] it leads to is hedonism and we have a nation that has combined both together, statism and hedonism. Such men then wield the sword in an unrighteous fashion to crush all opposition and gain blind compliance of the people. And that’s at foot in our nation right now. To secure their sin and evil through law is their goal, to make evil good and good evil is their goal. And they’re doing it in grand fashion in our day.” – Matthew Trewhella (Worthless Men, Silence, & the Judgment of God - Judges 9:1-31)
We have now arrived at the most fundamental problem of mankind and the root of all other problems, and it is their rejection of God’s Law in favour of man-made laws. It is the prideful rejection of the infinite Wisdom of the perfect Creator, for the sake of following the finite wisdom of the fallen creature (Isaiah 30:1, 9; Jeremiah 7:23-24; Jeremiah 9:13-14; Jeremiah 11:7-8; Hosea 8:12; Amos 2:4), which thinks it can manage the affairs of life far better than the Maker of all life. This Satanically-inspired philosophy (Genesis 3:1-5) ultimately leads to atheism, self-worship and total apostasy (Isaiah 14:12-15) because it replaces God’s rule of Law for the rule of one’s own corrupt making. And the churchmen are at the forefront of advancing this apostasy.
“Once in-person gatherings were permitted [by the government; never mind that God never forbade them!!], we adhered to the government’s 50-person limit per venue, pre-registered and performed health checks on attendees, and implemented seating plans in which every household or family sat together but was socially-distanced well apart from other households. In addition, our church leadership instituted a mandatory masking policy for all in-person gatherings before the B.C. government issued its mask mandate.” – Samuel Chua (An Open Letter From a Pastor to Dr. Bonnie Henry & Minister Adrian Dix re: COVID Restrictions on Religious Gatherings)
It is truly sad to see the churchmen rushing to evil by imposing superstition and pseudoscience on their congregants well before our government did so. To add to God’s Word is to make It void and exalt one’s own wisdom over His. And God’s instruction for containing infectious diseases is very simple and sound: isolate those who are really sick – i.e., those displaying symptoms of an active disease process (Leviticus 13) – while the rest can do business and worship as usual. You don’t do health-checks on healthy people! You don’t mask or social distance non-symptomatic people, all that is pseudoscientific nonsense! It is also adding to God’s Word which He commanded us not to do! (Deuteronomy 12:32). It is moreover Pharisaic legalism because the commandment of God is broken (to assemble for regular worship) in order to uphold some arbitrary and totally unnecessary rules of men (like socialist distancing, masking and health checks of healthy congregants). And the Lord’s flock is thus unnecessarily burdened by being forced to comply with laws that God never commanded. What God commands us to obey for the sake of honouring Him and loving our neighbour – i.e., His Law – is not burdensome (Matthew 11:28-30), and those who make it so burden people with false guilt and draw upon themselves the wrath of God.
“We [the ministers and elders] are servants, we are not lords. God has warned us that we are not to lord it over the heritage of God [Matthew 20:25-28]. Congregation, you are God’s heritage…you are His people, you are His household, His family. God makes the rules…God legislates…and so the one thing that the ministers must never ever do is legislate…God has not given us authority to make rules, we do not legislate. So when we command, it is because God has first commanded, and when we do not command it is because God hasn’t commanded…God has given to the elders, He has given them the keys to open and shut, but woe unto us if we shut out those whom God has not shut out [Matthew 23:13]. Now, do you remember how Jesus spoke about the religious leaders, and spoke to the religious leaders? You know, to many, the Lord Jesus Christ was so full of compassion, there is this view of Christ that is imbalanced in our day, [that He was] meek and mild, and part of that is because there is a meekness that marked the Lord Jesus, there was this mildness about the way that He dealt with sinners. But to the religious leaders Jesus was severe, upon them he pronounced woes. Why did He do that? Are there any of these man today in the church? Why did He spoke so severely? The reason He pronounced woes, part of it was that they added to His Law. They had taken it upon themselves to legislate and in doing so Jesus said they heaped upon His people, His sheep burdens. And even closed the doors of the church to God’s own sheep [Matthew 23:4, 13], and for that they incurred the wrath of the Lamb.
In the last number of weeks, I’ve spoken with people in Canada, not just in Ontario, and in America, who have found themselves barred from church fellowship. The doors of the church have been shut and they have been put out, not allowed access to the preaching, not allowed access to the feet of the Lord Jesus Christ, not allowed access to the sacraments, some of them have been threatened with church discipline, and you wonder why? Why would that be, what is going on? And you know exactly what’s going on...because they have not adhered to a man-made tradition. You know something, Christians, something terrible is happening in the church of Christ today, and I trust that there will come a day when the churches will gather in solemn assemblies and they will repent. But right now there is something that is happening in the church that is of grief I am sure to God. Ministers and elders taking it upon themselves to legislate, and so you have godly men, godly women who keep the commandments, whose profession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is absolutely credible and credible by every standard the church has used for centuries, but now, all of a sudden, they are not allowed to enter the church, they are barred, because they will not abide by a rule invented by men.” – Steve Richardson (pastor, Faith Presbyterian Church, Tillsonburg, Ontario, Ministers, Hirelings & Masks)“Do you know what legalism is? You break the commandments of God to uphold the traditions of men – that’s legalism. The Pharisees upheld the cleanliness code, man-made cleanliness code [like socialist-distancing and wearing of masks!] over the Law of God. I’ve heard of churches that have threatened to discipline people, for not wearing masks…There are churches that have more concern about enforcing social distancing than they do for forcing social distancing between fornicating teenagers; forbid their churches from socializing and self-righteously condemn churches that gather against court orders because we think Jesus says we should. Like the Pharisees of old they’ve gone lax on God’s holiness code because that’s [allegedly] harsh and legalistic, but they’ve become forceful on man-made cleanliness codes, because that’s how [allegedly] you love your neighbour, and you burden them with false guilt that is been heaped upon them by the same people that push abortion, transgender surgery, LGBTQ agenda and euthanasia. They are the same ones that are telling you these things. And the churches have treated these people like they bring forth the Word of God. Look, Christ has come to release you and liberate you from false guilt [as well as real], but these people have heaped it upon their flocks by parroting public health in the place of Jesus.” – Jacob Reaume (The Problem Behind Our Problems: Where Are the Shepherds?", Ezekiel 34:1-10)
Now, it is not in the least surprising that the heathen should reject God’s Word as a rule for all aspects of life, but that Christians should do likewise is deeply troubling, and shows the depth of apostasy of the present day church. There is in fact no aspect of human life that God left to man’s guessing, and that He did not address in His Word. What? Do you think that God left it up to human governments to establish hygiene and disease-prevention measures? If so, then you are very ignorant of Scripture, in which case you are not fit to lead God’s flock.
“God’s Word speaks to all matters of life, including the matter of quarantining. The Lord speaks of this in His law here in Leviticus 13…And when we look at the Law of God we see one thing that comes through loud and clear, and it is this – you do not quarantine the whole of society, you quarantine the sick…Notice in God’s Law that the rights and the freedoms of the entire population are not abridged [nor are church worship services!!] just because there is a disease, or a virus, or a sickness of some kind…and understand this, please understand, disease is always around in any society, you cannot spend your life hiding from germs, viruses, and diseases…
Under God’s Law there was [moreover] a process to determine whether a person was truly sick with a contagion. If they were then you separated them out and quarantined them…In this we see the goodness and grace of God’s Law. God’s Law is more gracious and protects freedom more than man’s law. You do not abridge every other person’s freedom, you quarantine the sick. God’s Law doesn’t destroy the economy and lives of others. God’s prescription was intended to protect society not only from the disease, but from economic hardship upon those who weren’t diseased, which results in impoverishment when you destroy the economy…God [unlike human governments] understands that a society’s needs are multidimensional [and therefore according to His Law] you do not abridge the rights and freedom of everyone and shut down the whole of society…like what we have going on with COVID-19.” – Matthew Trewhella (COVID-19 & Quarantine Laws)
Note then, if and only if the person was truly sick, then and only then were they quarantined and separated from the rest, one was never to separate asymptomatic healthy individuals as it is being done today with COVID. And so the churchmen who endorsed the public health orders evidently think they, along with the statist liberals and fake conservatives, are smarter than the Holy Ghost!! For they quite evidently judged that God’s Law concerning contagion was not sufficient so that man had to replace it with his own!
“Now listen, notice how much is devoted to this Law of quarantine, more detail is devoted to this Law than any other Law in all of God’s Law…But why so much space devoted to the Law of quarantine?...[because God knew one day people would badly need this lesson!!] I believe it is, at least in part, because of fear. People fear contagion…and here with COVID-19 you have the media and the government fomenting fear and hysteria, and that should concern you because a virus is a perfect narrative to justify tyranny…because you already have scared the population [and] they are ready to give up everything just to be “safe.” We have learned in our current situation with COVID-19 that you can stampede an entire nation of people with the virus and fear.” – Matthew Trewhella (COVID-19 & Quarantine Laws)
“Americans have been willing to sacrifice science at the altar of panic.” – Hendrik Streeck (professor for virology and the director of the Institute of virology and HIV Research at the University Bonn, as cited by U.S. senator and physician Scott Jensen, The Real Covid-19 Death Rate)
“The year 2020 will go down in history as the Great Hysteria, the year when almost the entire world abandoned critical thinking in favour of irrational fear. For many of us living outside Sweden, this has been our first experience of the madness of crowds and of state totalitarianism. The Great Hysteria has been built on the biggest lie ever told, that this virus is the next big thing after Spanish flu. And that lockdowns are necessary to prevent the virus from killing millions. But data have told us a different story from mid-April 2020 and by now the facts are crystal clear.” – Sanjeev Sabhlok (formerly an economist in the Australian Victorian government, Xi Jinping’s Use of Hysteria as Warfare – Part 1)
“The need to significantly downgrade the pandemic based on this analysis is particularly urgent since most of the world is still hysterical…The world must bring this panic to an end by rationally examining the data which is telling us that this pandemic is just a little bit worse than the bad flu. We’ll get to know more by February 2021 but even now there is enough information to immediately de-escalate and stop the panic.” – Sanjeev Sabhlok (Given New Data We Must Downgrade the Severity of This Pandemic)
“These new media have brainwashed entire populations. What you get is fear and anxiety, and an inability to look at real data. And therefore you have all the ingredients for monstrous hysteria…This is nothing more than a flu epidemic if you care to look at the numbers and the data, but people who are in a state of anxiety are blind.” – Yoram Lass (former Director-General of the Israeli Ministry of Health, Nothing Can Justify This Destruction of People’s Lives)
The reason then why the peoples of the world have been fear-mongered to the point of a monstrous hysteria is because hysteria paralyzes critical thinking. Fear therefore always encourages ignorance and ignorance in turn encourages more fear because we fear that which we do not know, which is precisely why tyrannical governments thrive on the ignorance of their citizens (and in this day and age this ignorance is promoted through indoctrination and dumbing-down by the state media and public education). God however has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7), and if, in fact, there was more soundness of mind exercised by the Christian ministers they would have never shut down their churches for a flu virus!! And I hope I do not need to emphasize again the sheer and blatant absurdity of locking down an entire society for a virus that has a 99.74% survival rate!! This however is not simply a benign and laughable absurdity, it is in fact tyranny.
“Quarantine is when you restrict movement of sick people [as per Leviticus 13]. Tyranny is when you restrict the movement of healthy people.” – Meshawn Maddock (protest organizer with the Michigan Conservative Coalition, Quarantine vs. Tyranny)
And therefore, that being the case, we should always follow God’s Law, first and foremost because it is right to do so, and secondly because the alternative is a recipe for statist tyranny.
“They’ve got everyone separated out, they can come to anybody’s home with the SWAT team, they can do to you what they can’t do if we can assemble as the people and check our government. It is the perfect recipe for tyranny, and you should be concerned about it.” – Matthew Trewhella (COVID-19 & Quarantine Laws)
“…it is a dream scenario for any ruler with dictatorship tendencies to make democratic demonstrations unlawful.” – Peter C. Gøtzsche (MD, former leader of the Nordic Cochrane Center in Copenhagen, Denmark, and co-founder of the Cochrane Collaboration, The Coronavirus Pandemic: Can We Handle Such Epidemics Better?)
“With great care men prepare enactments intended to put down all protests, so as to render wrong-doing a permanent institution…” – Charles H. Spurgeon (The Treasury of David, Commentaries on Psalm 94)
You ought to know that when you can no longer criticize the government for the fear of being arrested, then your country is well on the road to tyranny. And the fact is that COVID-19 restrictions have essentially made peaceful protests unlawful, and have thereby secured the present-day tyrants in their dictatorial position, by shielding them from being openly challenged about their destructive and utterly wicked authoritarian policies and orders.
We should therefore indeed be gravely concerned that statism is advancing globally and in grand fashion today under the pretext of disease control, and with the full blessing of the vast majority of the churchmen who seem to be completely ignorant, or worse still, indifferent, concerning what God’s Word has to say about the proper role and sphere of civil governments and quarantine regulations, and who moreover prefer blind conformity and accommodation over confrontation and opposition to state-imposed tyranny.
“Present day tyrants are building their tyranny plank by plank and it is getting stronger because of the indifference and accommodation to evil by Christian people.” – Matthew Trewhella (The Bad End of Tyrants & The Justice of God)
“There are consequences to being indifferent to what God’s Word has to say about civil authority from the pulpit, and we begun to reap them and rightly so. The sad thing is that the best of men [like pastor James Coates] will end up in jail, and the worst of pastors and church-men – they’ll accommodate like the chameleons that they are to anything the state puts out, and comply. They actually at that point become agents of the state. They are helping tyrants foment their tyranny by going along with the evil and hiding behind an abuse of Scripture and hermeneutic in order to justify their blind compliance.” – Matthew Trewhella (The Bad End of Tyrants & The Justice of God)
“…so let me address the churchmen first: the churchmen have convinced the people that COVID is not a lie. The churchmen have done it! [because by closing their churches they have effectively affirmed the government and the mainstream media-manufactured mindless hysteria about the virus]. The most wanted desire and virtue of your average American churchmen is to be liked. I know, I know too many churchmen. They pursue this, being liked and thought-well of…loving the praises of men. In America the more effeminate the churchmen behaves, the more he wins the laurels of the people and the fellow churchmen and that’s a fact – a sad fact. Another result of the seeker-friendly paradigm, besides wanting to be liked, is the need to be non-confrontational. And this too is completely contrary to Biblical historical Christianity – the Gospel is confrontational. We call men to repentance, the message of the Gospel confronts the individual and their sin, and God’s Word and God’s Law confronts the evils, idols and tyrants of any nation in any day [which is in fact what pastor James Coates did in his last sermon before being jailed]. Christianity has historically found itself in confrontation with civil authorities, from the Book of Acts forward the history of Christianity has been confrontation with the state. But the churchmen of our day want to be liked, and [so] they refuse to confront lawless magistrates. Look what they did: when the state ordered, or in other situations strongly suggested, that the churchmen close their doors, they closed their doors! Understand in the past the churchmen barred the state’s entrance into the church because they wanted to uphold the authority of the church and preserve righteousness [in other words, they faithfully discharged, as opposed to abdicated, their pastoral duty and understood the limits of civil government, and thus had a proper view of Romans 13]. Now, in our day the state bars the entrance into the church and the churchmen meekly comply because the paternal state told them it is best for them to do so…Churchmen should have kept their church doors opened in spite of state orders. This was the time God handed a huge opportunity to the church to show leadership, to take suffering upon itself to protect the businessmen and the people of this country through their interposition and they’ve dropped the ball…Had the churches interposed, the evil of the magistrates would have been blunted…the church would have blunted the tyranny of the state and helped the businessmen.” – Matthew Trewhella (A White Lie and Black Death: Why Does the Church Believe the COVID19 Lie? Part I)
Pastor Jacob Reaume was therefore right in his indignation against the Canadian pastors who failed to speak against government-mandated church shutdowns, and also, for failing to speak when their parishioners were thrust into financial ruin by government-mandated workplace shutdowns. They are further guilty of not having protested when public health order-defying churches and elders were fined for opening their churches to offer hope to the ever increasingly more hopeless COVID-19 new world. The overwhelming majority however were, and to this day remain, silent. And so when it was the perfect time for Christian men to shine, they became gross darkness, and when strong church leadership was most needed, it has gone AWOL, missing in action. Crisis no doubt reveals character. The church of Canada is in serious trouble because of its spineless, effeminate and treacherous leadership.
“Here is the day for the man, where is the man for the day?” – Charles H. Spurgeon (Holding Fast the Faith)
“The church is in trouble. You know what the problem behind the problem is? We are in a leadership crisis. The leaders have become a joke. They are the combination of all the characters of the Wizard of Oz: scarecrows, no intellect or critical thinking skills [or rather, they fail to use them, which is far worse, for it is no sin to be feeble-minded, but it is sin to abdicate all God-given responsibility and allow the government and the mass media to do all the thinking for you] – just trust the government; tin-man with no passions in their hearts, no jealousy for the truth, no anger over evil, no sickness over the abuse of the body of Christ and His blood-bought bride, and they are lions with no courage…Now I submit to you there are men in pulpits who sincerely believe that they must obey the state at this time…But those men have to start asking the question – when do I stop obeying the state? And if they haven’t started asking that question there is a leadership crisis…there must come a time when these men have to say – they’ve crossed the line – and if they are not asking where that line is we have a problem.” – Jacob Reaume (The Problem Behind Our Problems: Where Are the Shepherds?", Ezekiel 34:1-10)
If you are a pastor who has thus far been complying with the creators and the perpetrators of the COVID cult, and have not yet asked yourself this question – when do I stop obeying the state? – I sincerely hope that the information provided in Part 4 of this discussion will help you see that the state has long crossed the line that no Christian should ever have crossed with them. Matthew 20:25-28Matthew 23:13Ministers, Hirelings & Masks