The abysmal and disgraceful failure of Christian leadership during the coronavirus scare-demic – Part 4
The same public health order that permits death by abortion, cancellation of essential medical care, mass starvation due to economic collapse, and despair-driven suicide, prohibits or severely limits church gatherings and yet most church leaders are obeying it
In Part 3 of this article series we have stated that the Christian church is in a serious and deeply troubling leadership crisis because its leaders for most part have failed to ask one vital question – namely – at what point it is legitimate for a Christian to disobey the civil government? In failing to ask this question they have wittingly or unwittingly suggested that the government should at no point be disobeyed – and therefore by extension – that the government is infallible. In doing so they have attached the attribute peculiar to God alone to a human authority, which is, in fact, gross idolatry. They have further proven themselves nearly completely detached from the realities of our present evil age, since from the following piece of information it is crystal clear that our own Canadian government has long crossed the line that no single person who professes the Name of Christ should ever have crossed along with them:
“As hospitals across Canada begin cancelling and postponing surgeries to contend with the spread of COVID-19, provinces and territories have deemed abortions an essential service…
British Columbia
The province has cancelled elective surgeries, but will continue to provide access to abortions…
While Alberta Health Services has cancelled all non-urgent surgeries and procedures across its facilities, abortion access remains unimpeded.” – CTVNews (Abortion Access Will Be Maintained Across Canada Amid COVID-19 Outbreak)“Dr. Renee Hall helps to administer abortion services in multiple settings—both private clinics and hospitals—across B.C. She told The Pigeon that the province’s care providers quickly mobilized to ensure their patients’ abortion access would not be interrupted by COVID-19.
“It was never a question of if we were going to provide [abortions], it was a question of how,” she said. “We were ready to fight with our institutions if it became an issue.”
Thankfully, Hall said the essential status of abortions were reaffirmed by both the provincial and federal governments in March, allowing abortion procedures to continue uninterrupted.
“There was not one break in our provision of services,” she said.” – The Pigeon, (COVID-19 is Changing the Way Canadians Have Abortions)
Now, is it not a most terrible indictment against the Christian leaders who have compliantly bowed their knees to the state without a whiff of protest or dissent to see that the pro-abortionists were willing and ready to fight with their institutions if access to abortion services became an issue during the COVID shutdowns??!
But more fundamentally, let me ask you dear Christian minister, is that enough of a reason for you to STOP obeying our government’s public health order? Should you even be surprised to read that abortion clinics are deemed essential by our pre-born genocidal government, and that it was therefore never a question of whether they would remain open?!! And after all this, you still believe that our government cares about saving lives??!! If our government really cared about saving lives they would ban abortion, and they would never have pushed for one of the most radical pro-euthanasia bills that the Western world has seen since Hitler’s Nazi Germany – Bill C7 – which would allow for assisted suicide to be liberally offered not only to the elderly (as if this was not bad enough!), but also to those whose natural death is not “reasonably foreseeable”, such as people with disabilities or chronic but not fatal illnesses, as well as those suffering from depression, metal illnesses and suicidal thoughts (and there are plenty of those around as a direct result of government-ordered COVID shutdowns!!). Hitler would no doubt have been very proud of Canada’s most degenerate liberals!! If assisted suicide were really only about choice, as they would like us to believe, then we would offer it to all Canadians, and not only the old, disabled, severely ill, mentally disabled or depressed. According to our liberal hypocrites who scream all the time about “equality” and “inclusivity”, all lives evidently don’t matter equally!! Further, if our government really cared about saving human lives they would ban liquor as well, since it is responsible for over three million deaths worldwide every year, a figure that by one million exceeds the overinflated fraudulent death count for COVID-19. But nay, under the current edicts, abortion death camps and liquor stores can stay open but churches must be shut down!
And so by going along with the public health orders you are not only affirming together with our totally godless and degenerate government and health officials that churches are non-essential, but further, that the slaughtering and dismembering of babies in their mothers’ womb is essential, and must therefore continue uninterrupted, while church services must be put on hold until further notice; until they receive “permission” from the “almighty” state!! And you call yourself a Christian??! You cannot pick and choose here, for the same law that bars or severely limits church services permits abortions without hindrance, and is therefore a demonic law which no one who professes Christian faith ought to condone much less obey!!!
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! – Isaiah 5:20.
There is scarcely a better practical example of Isaiah 5:20 than permitting abortion whilst prohibiting Christian in-person gatherings!! Think about that you Christian people who silently go along with these COVID-related restriction measures, and believe that in doing so you are a shining light and an example of true piety for the rest of society! In the eyes of God you are guilty of upholding a monstrous iniquity which He will have no fellowship with but will judge assuredly. May I here reminds you of Psalm 94?
Shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with thee, which frameth mischief by a law?…And he shall bring upon them their own iniquity, and shall cut them off in their own wickedness; yea, the LORD our God shall cut them off. – Psalm 94:20…23.
“The throne established in iniquity; or, sustaining iniquity. The allusion is probably to what was referred to in the former part of the psalm…wicked princes or rulers, Psalm 94:3-7. Their thrones were established on evil; they defended wickedness and wrong by their authority; they abused their power, and employed it to overthrow the rights of others [such as the right of the pre-born and the right of free church assembly!!]. The phrase would be applicable to any unjust government, or to any laws that are designed to uphold that which is wrong.” – Albert Barnes (American Presbyterian theologian and Bible commentator, Biblical scholar, and theologian, 1798-1870, Barnes’ Commentary on Psalm 94:20)
Dear Christian, you ought to know that iniquity can never meet with God’s approbation, only with wrath and indignation, and in that respect our government with its COVID-related public health orders is in fact adding iniquity to iniquity, and sin to sin, and thus treasuring up for themselves wrath against the day of wrath and the revelation of the righteous judgment of God (Romans 2:5). For the same public health order that permitted unimpeded access to abortion services during shutdowns, deeming them essential, prohibited elective surgeries and treatments to many Canadians, some of whom have died as a direct result of being denied essential and critical medical care, and that despite the fact that our hospitals have been virtually empty during the whole time of this so-called “pandemic”? Jerry Dunham, a father of two from Alberta was one of these tragic victims of the COVID state-cult. He was told that his heart surgery was considered non-essential and he died after being refused his pacemaker surgery in April 2020. After having essentially received a death-sentence by our government, and shortly before his demise, Dunham posted the following on his facebook wall:
“I am starting to freak out here. Wondering what I should do. So I was basically told that the government is willing to risk my life to save my life…Let me say that again, my government told me they were willing to let me die, which according to them is for my own safety.”
Now, there is only one term adequate enough to describe the government-backed COVID restrictions in light of all this, and it is: Covidiocracy. And it is rampant across the global “new normal” landscape. A July 30th report from MailOnline for example reveals that in the U.K. 21,000 people have died because they were denied critical health-care due to lockdown restrictions. Many Canadian nursing home residents suffered the same fate. In Ontario for example, due to the province’s unmaterialized expectations of a surge in hospitalizations, care homes refused to send their elderly people to hospitals for treatment when they got sick out of fear of exposing them to the coronavirus. According to a report from Toronto Life fitly entitled Houses of Horror, a sick resident of the long-term care home in Durham pleaded with the home’s doctor to send him to hospital, but the doctor refused. And as a result of this, the resident passed away the very next day. And so again we here have purest Covidiocracy on display, according to which, if you die from congestive heart failure, sepsis or a stroke, that is quite all right, as long as you are saved from COVID-19! And therefore, those who are endorsing and going along with our government’s public health orders are de facto sanctioning the murderous consequences of sheer Covidiocracy!! Why then have so many Christian leaders and Christian people so blindly and silently capitulated to the anti-Christian COVID state-cult?? Can’t you realize that if you are bowing down to their murderous edicts then you are also sanctioning their murders?? And please note that they are not only permitting unabated pre-born genocide, but also economic genocide.
“Food to sustain life is essential. Taking the opportunity to buy [or earn to be able to buy!] food away from people is sheer and outright murder.” Whoever the architects behind this COVID-19 pandemic – who have the universal order to instruct national governments to follow strict total lockdown – are wittingly or unwittingly responsible for “crimes against humanity.” This process is committed on a worldwide scale. It is unprecedented in the history of humanity. The International Labor Organization (ILO) reports that worldwide unemployment is reaching never-seen mammoth proportions, that nearly half of the world’s workforce – 1.6 billion people may be out of work. That means no income to pay for shelter, food, medication – it means starvation and death. For millions…The World has to wake up.” – Peter Koenig (Corona Tyranny – and Death by Famine)
“As COVID-19 pushed countries everywhere to lock down, the equivalent of 400 million full-time jobs have been destroyed, and remittances have collapsed. The impact has been felt hardest by the 2 billion people who work in the informal economy around the world - mainly in middle and low-income countries. Already only one day’s work away from going hungry, in other words living hand to mouth. You and I have food in the pantry in a lockdown. We have enough food for two or three weeks. These people don’t have that luxury. If they miss a day’s wages, they miss a day’s worth of food and their children suffer. They don’t have the money to buy their daily bread in those circumstances. This inevitably creates a risk of rising social tensions and instability…There is a grave danger that many more people will die from the broader economic and social consequences of COVID-19 than from the virus itself, especially in Africa. And the last thing we need is to have the cure be worse than the disease itself…
Let me turn to the countries on today’s agenda. In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, conflict and instability had already forced 15.5 million people into crisis levels of food insecurity. These are people on the brink of starvation. The latest assessment indicates that the upsurge in violence, coupled with COVID-19, has sent this total sky-rocketing to nearly 22 million people, an increase of 6.5 million people. And I should warn you these numbers assume WFP is able to maintain current levels of food assistance. If we are forced to scale back operations, the outlook is even worse.
In Yemen, the world’s worst catastrophe, worst human disaster, it continues…years of conflict-induced hunger and now the COVID-19 pandemic. 20 million people are already in crisis due to war, a collapsed economy and currency devaluation, crippling food prices and the destruction of public infrastructure. We believe a further 3 million may now face starvation due to the virus…
Nigeria: COVID-19 is also forcing more people into food insecurity. Analysis shows measures imposed to contain the virus reduced incomes in 80 percent of households. You can imagine the devastation with that alone. In the northeast of the country, 4.3 million people are food insecure, up by 600,000 largely due to COVID-19. While in the large urban area of Kano, the number of food insecure people during that lockdown period from March to June went from 568,000 to 1.5 million people – an increase of 1 million people. Very troubling…
Finally, even though it is not on today’s agenda, I also want to highlight the disaster unfolding in Burkina Faso, driven by the upsurge in violence. The number of people facing crisis levels of hunger has tripled to 3.3 million people, as COVID compounds the situation…
Excellencies, we know what we need to do. We have made huge strides forward in spotting the early warning signs of famine, in understanding its causes and consequences. But, tragically, we have seen this story play out too many times before. The world stands by until it is too late, while hunger kills, it stokes community tensions, fuels conflict and instability, and forces families from their homes.
I recently learned that, in Latin America, hungry families have started hanging white flags outside their houses to show they need help. And there are a lot of them: 17.1 million severely food insecure people today, compared with 4.5 million only six or seven months ago.” – David Beasley (UN World Food Programme Executive Director, WFP Chief Warns of Grave Dangers of Economic Impact of Coronavirus as Millions are Pushed Further Into Hunger)“…hunger is already stalking Haboue Solange Boue, an infant who has lost half her former body weight of 5.5 pounds (2.5 kilograms) in the last month. With the markets closed because of coronavirus restrictions, her family sold fewer vegetables. Her mother is too malnourished to nurse her."
“My child,” Danssanin Lanizou whispers, choking back tears as she unwraps a blanket to reveal her baby’s protruding ribs. The infant whimpers soundlessly.
All around the world, the coronavirus and its restrictions are pushing already hungry communities over the edge, cutting off meager farms from markets and isolating villages from food and medical aid. Virus-linked hunger is leading to the deaths of 10,000 more children a month over the first year of the pandemic, according to an urgent call to action from the United Nations shared with The Associated Press ahead of its publication in the Lancet medical journal…
From Latin America to South Asia to sub-Saharan Africa, more families than ever are staring down a future without enough food. The analysis published Monday found about 128,000 more young children will die over the first 12 months of the virus. In April, World Food Program head David Beasley warned that the coronavirus economy would cause global famines “of biblical proportions” this year.” – Lori Hinnant & Sam Mednick (AP: Virus-linked Hunger Tied to 10,000 Child Deaths Each Month)“Poverty is a much more severe mortality risk factor than COVID-19, and it affects children as much as adults. One of the key questions that will surely be asked is whether the leadership in each country has ever seriously considered a worthy alternative to resolving the crisis, which will not cost so many human lives or destroy the economy.” – Udi Qimron, Uri Gavish, Eyal Shahar & Michael Levitt (UQ: professor and elected head of the Department of Clinical Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Medicine at Tel-Aviv University; UG: physicist, expert in algorithm analysis and bio-medical consultant; ES: professor emeritus and epidemiologist at University of Arizona; ML: Nobel Prize-winning Structural Biology professor at Stanford University, Countering the Second Wave With Facts, Not Misconceptions: A Policy of Imposing & Easing Restrictions Only Prolongs the Crisis, Destroys the Economy, & Eventually Leads to a Larger Number of Victims)
“An important point must be made here. We are not comparing COVID-19 deaths vs. economy as prosperity. Rather, it is COVID-19 deaths vs. recession deaths – it’s lives versus lives, as the economy is about lives.”– Ari R. Joffe (MD, FRCPC, clinical professor in the Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Critical Care at the University of Alberta, COVID-19: Rethinking the Lockdown Groupthink)
“Politicians have just said they did what everyone else did and so we cannot blame them for anything that has happened. I have looked at the impact of social upheaval in the post-Soviet Union countries in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Russia had five million excess deaths in that period due to economic problems. That is how powerful the effects can be. We are going to see the downsides of lockdown policies around the world. This is going to be extremely costly and destructive of huge sections of the population.” – Dr. Malcolm Kendrick (MD and GP for the National Health Services England, The Lockdown is Causing so Many Deaths)
“The draconian measures are of biblical proportions. Hundreds of millions of people are suffering. In developing countries many will die from starvation. In developed countries many will die from unemployment. Unemployment is mortality. More people will die from the measures than from the virus. The virus, like the influenza virus, is saying farewell to western Europe for sure. The same in the Middle East. In the United States, we do not know yet, so we should talk in a month from now. But nothing can justify this destruction of people’s lives. It is unbelievable.” – Yoram Lass (former Director-General of the Israeli Ministry of Health, Nothing Can Justify This Destruction of People’s Lives)
“These are inappropriate and destructive policies, and I think we always have to remember that, we don’t shut down society because there is a massive cost to that, and I am not talking about financial, I am talking about life’s loss, years of life loss…
The issue is, we must open up because we are killing people.” – Scott Atlas (physician and health-care policy advisor, Robert Wesson senior fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, I'm Disgusted and Dismayed)“The decline of gross domestic product is also a killer. Poverty is a killer. No society ever saved lives by making itself poorer.” – Lord John Sumption (retired British Supreme Court justice, Lord Sumption: Mass Civil Disobedience Has Begun)
“I stand behind my comment that the lockdowns are the single worst public health mistake in the last 100 years…We will be counting the catastrophic health and psychological harms, imposed on nearly every poor person on the face of the earth, for a generation.” – Jay Bhattacharya (professor at Stanford University Medical School, a physician, epidemiologist, health economist, and public health policy expert focusing on infectious diseases and vulnerable populations, Stanford Doc: Lockdowns 'Biggest Public Health Mistake' Ever)
“I want to say it again, we in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as a primary means of controlling this virus. The only time when lockdown is justified is to buy you time to reorganize, regroup, rebalance your resources, protect your health-workers who are exhausted, but by and large we’d rather not do it…look what’s happening to world poverty levels, it seems we may have a doubling of world’s poverty by next year, we may have at least a doubling of child’s malnutrition by next year…this is a terrible ghastly global catastrophe actually, and so we really do appeal to all world leaders – STOP using lockdown as your primary control method…” – David Nabarro (WHO special envoy for COVID-19 reporting directly to the WHO’s director-general, WHO Covid Expert: Lockdowns Can Only Delay Virus Infections)
Now, tell me dear public health order-endorsing Christian, is this loving your neighbour – taking their means of survival away from them??!! Have you ever even studied the evils of isolationism and mass-quarantine?? Do you have any idea what you are really endorsing by endorsing these ghastly measures?? If not, I suggest you start doing some research immediately because God will not take alleged and pleaded ignorance about crimes against humanity perpetuated under the guise of “public safety” to go unpunished when the information on them is so widely and easily available to all who have access to internet! And further I suggest that you stop receiving your information on crucial contemporary matters from the lame-stream anti-Christian state-sponsored media.They are the ones exacerbating the crisis by fuelling fear, hysteria and pseudoscience, by calling truth misinformation and misinformation truth, and by cheer-leading for measures that are literally destroying human lives. And further, please ask yourself, does the government have the authority to determine who or what is essential and what is not?? Who exactly do the politicians think they are by calling people’s livelihoods non-essential and destroying private businesses over a virus that has ~99.8% survival rate?? All legitimate jobs are essential because without them people cannot put food on the table and maintain their households, and to rob them of their jobs is to plunge them in deathly poverty, and that is plain evil.
If thou forbear to deliver them that are drawn unto death [such as through lockdown-induced economic genocide!!], and those that are ready to be slain; If thou sayest, Behold, we knew it not; doth not he that pondereth the heart consider it? and he that keepeth thy soul, doth not he know it? and shall not he render to every man according to his works? – Proverbs 24:11-12.
“If a man know that his neighbour is in danger by any unjust proceeding, he is bound to do all in his power to deliver him. And what is it to suffer immortal souls to perish, when our persuasions and example may be the means of preventing it?” – Matthew Henry (Welsh nonconformist Christian minister and Bible commentator, 1662 – 1714, Matthew Henry’s Commentary on Proverbs 24)
“As Proverbs 24:11 warned men against acquiescing in an unrighteous tyranny, so this denounces the tendency to hush up a wrong with the false plea of ignorance.” – Albert Barnes (American Presbyterian theologian and Bible commentator, Biblical scholar, and theologian, 1798-1870, Barnes’ Commentary on Proverbs 24:12)
“He that keepeth thy soul [doth not He know it?}; God, who is the preserver of men, Job 7:20, who daily doth, and who only can, keep thee both in and from the greatest dangers. And this favour of God may be here mentioned, partly, as a strong obligation upon him to preserve him who is made after God’s image, and whom God hath commanded him to love and preserve; partly, as an encouragement to the performance of his duty herein from the consideration of God’s special care and watchfulness over those that do their duty; and partly, to intimate to them the danger of the neglect of this duty, whereby they will forfeit God’s protection over themselves, and expose themselves to manifold dangers and calamities.
Shall not he render to every man according to his works? God will certainly deal with thee as thou hast dealt with him, either rewarding thy performance of this duty, or punishing thy neglect of it.” – Matthew Poole (English nonconformist theologian and Biblical commentator, 1624–1679, Poole’s Commentary on Proverbs 24:12)
Dear Christian, note that in the sixth commandment “thou shalt not kill” (Exodus 20:13), there is also an implicit commandment to preserve life, and he shall not go unpunished who fails to repent of not keeping it, for nothing can escape the sight of Him with Whom all men ultimately have to do on Judgment Day (Matthew 16:27; 2 Corinthians 5:10; Hebrews 4:13; Revelation 20:11-15). Consider then what you are doing by agreeing with our governments’ COVID-19 related public health policies. Consider the fact that by COVID-restrictions the governments around the world have declared the very lives of many people non-essential because they have directly expedited their death by them!!
COVID-restrictions are in fact literally killing people in many direct and indirect ways. They are plunging countless souls into hopeless despair, some of whom have already committed suicide because their livelihoods were destroyed, and you who silently go along with these totally unnecessary draconian restrictions and do not raise your voices against them are complicit in their murder because by your actions you are both perpetuating the great lie that this virus is a serious threat to the general population when in fact it is not, and you are further saying that what the government is doing is justified – which is – killing jobs, and by killing jobs, killing people whose lives critically depend on those jobs. Staying home does not save lives, it destroys them, that’s a fact whether people are willing to receive it or no. And the solution to this global crisis is not to take money from the rich to give it to the poor, as called for by the World Food Program head David Beasley, but to allow the poor to work and earn a living by putting an end to lockdown-tyranny.
“You know the 4th commandment says these people have the responsibility to work [Exodus 20:9]. It is not the governments’ to take that away from them, in fact governments that do are tyrannical. This is why king Ahab was destroyed. He was destroyed because he took a man’s livelihood from him…I’ve always been opposed to shutting down private enterprise, it is reprehensible, it is theft [which is the breach of the 8th commandment].”– Jacob Reaume (pastor, Trinity Bible Chapel, Waterloo, Ontario, The Problem Behind Our Problems: Where Are the Shepherds?", Ezekiel 34:1-10)
“When the civil government forbids conducting lawful business as is done under many governments throughout the past year, it ought to be declared from the pulpit that it is wrong! So you are hearing it again from me, it is wrong! What is going on across the world cannot be supported, it is breaking the 8th commandment! [Exodus 20:15; the commandment which says “do not steal” in fact requires of us to have lawful callings and exercise due diligence in them]. Borrowing absurd amounts of money, enslaving future generations, driving them into who knows what future, this debt burden is tyrannical. And if the pulpit has nothing to say, the pulpit is failing in its duty.” – Armen Thomassian (minister of Faith Free Presbyterian Church, Greenville, South Carolina, Unmasking a Future Lockdown, Part 2)
Again Christian people, is this what you should be endorsing by your silence and lockdown-compliance? How can you think it is right in the sight of God to comply with the order than bars church-gatherings and numerous legitimate businesses while at the same time permitting unimpeded abortion services?? And further, should you be endorsing our government’s blatant lies, thefts and gross hypocrisy? For the same politicians and health officers who are piously chanting to you, “we are all in this together”, and asking you to “do your part” by sacrificing your livelihood at the altar of public health and for the supposed “greater good” of the nation, have not missed a single pay-check, and they have moreover ensured that they would not suffer any cuts to their pay-checks either!
“An interesting thing happened this last week, one of the members of provincial parliament, Roman Barber, brought forth a proposal that government leaders take a pay-cut during the lockdown, even as they are asking small business owners, after all, “we are all in this together”…come on guys, lead by example! It didn’t go forward. The ones making the rules, including the public health officials, have not had one financial setback, not even one. But they sanctimoniously tell us to do our parts, and love our neighbours and stay home and stay safe, and [they] rob people of their livelihoods and they haven’t missed one pay-check, not one. But hey, if we shut down your business, I mean, we are nice enough to give you CERB [Canada Emergency Response Benefit]…here is a couple of hundred bucks from CERB, and when we get through this your children can pay for it…The pastor who becomes the apologist for the state’s severe abuses needs to put his money where his mouth is and should go on CERB too.” – Jacob Reaume (The Problem Behind Our Problems: Where Are the Shepherds?", Ezekiel 34:1-10)
“…they’ve [the COVID tyrants] destroyed countless business, cause great harm to the economy, have indebted the nation with trillions of dollars in spending, have put millions of people out of work, have taught innumerable numbers of people that the state will take care of them, reducing them to slaves of the state, they’ve caused the deaths and sufferings of countless souls who were not able to get the health-care they needed because COVID took precedence…” – Matthew Trewhella (pastor, Mercy Seat Christian Church, Wisconsin, A White Lie and Black Death: Why Does the Church Believe the COVID19 Lie? Part I)
Do you see again where all this myopic focus on COVID-19 is leading us to? To the hell of statist-tyranny, because when you take away from the people the means to provide themselves you do in fact make them slaves of the state, for with the shekels always come the shackles.
And further, please ask yourself, why is it that only COVID-19 deaths matter to our politicians and unelected health officers? And why is it that they have to be prevented at all costs even if that means killing people by denying them essential medical care or by forbidding them to earn a living? How is letting people die from lockdown-induced hunger, poverty and suicidal despair saving them from COVID-19? Is this really sound public health policy or is it, in fact, a crime against humanity?! The sad truth is that the COVID-19 restrictions are killing far more people than the virus itself.
“There has been another cost that we’ve seen particularly in high schools, we’re seeing, and sadly, far greater suicides now than we are deaths from COVID. We are seeing far greater deaths from drug overdose, that are above excess that we had as background, than we are seeing deaths from COVID.” – Robert Redfield (U.S. Center for Disease Control Director, Suicide and Drug Overdose Outpacing Covid-19 in High Schoolers)
“The lockdowns are doing much more damage than COVID-19, the hospital numbers are down…people have lost jobs, they’ve lost businesses, they have been unable to take a holiday, or see a family member. They haven’t been able to gather for a funeral…when an Alberta teenager says – I would rather get sick and die from a virus than live the rest of my like this – what kind of future are we leaving for our kids?” – Patrick Schoenberger (pastor, Heights Baptist Church, Medicine Hat, Alberta, “Without Hope, People Have Nothing”: Pastor Criticizes Alberta COVID-19 Response)
“In Clark County, Nevada, the home of Las Vegas, 18 students took their lives during the nine months of school closures, the report found. The youngest was just 9 years old.
The New York Times said, “One student left a note saying he had nothing to look forward to.”
National numbers aren't available yet for that time period, but "state and county level data reveal dismal trends. In Pima County, Arizona suicides were up 67% in 2020 compared to the previous year for children ages 12 to 17, and statewide childhood suicides had also increased since 2019….Last summer, the CDC reported that one in four young adults had contemplated suicide in the previous month.” – Bob Unruh (Famed Christian Evangelist Confronts Pandemic of Suicide)
I hope by now you are beginning to realize how high is The Price of Panic. It is indeed plain from all the available data that COVID-19 was never a real catastrophic existential threat to humanity, but our governments’ sledge-hammer style overreaction to COVID-19 most certainly is!!
“In 2019, the coronavirus family, which has been causing respiratory disease in millions of humans worldwide every year for millennia, welcomed a new member. The disease it causes, COVID-19, proved to be no worse than seasonal flu in fairly healthy people under 70 but posed a more serious threat to older people or those made vulnerable by serious pre-existing conditions. The difference in mortality risk is vast, with the elderly at 1,000 times more risk than the young.
Rather than focusing protective measures on the people at heightened risk of illness, governments around the world imposed and continue to impose severe restrictions on their entire population. With routine medical care disrupted, businesses shuttered, curfews imposed, travel restricted, socialization criminalized, we are causing a devastating amount of harm.
The negative effects of lockdown are too often dismissed as small sacrifices, necessary to keep a highly deadly disease from spreading. These sacrifices are, in fact, neither necessary nor small, and the disease is only a threat to a minority of the population that can be protected without lockdowns. Sometimes, when major harms become hard to ignore, they are lamented as further damage caused by Covid, even though it is our panic-driven measures that are to blame.” – The Price of Panic
The greatest fiasco of the lockdown strategy is indeed in that it brought destructive restrictions upon entire populations of individuals the vast majority of whom were at no greater risk of dying from COVID-19 than from the ordinary flu, while at the same time failing to protect those who were most at risk (the elderly with comorbidities), and who could in fact have been successfully protected with targeted measures and without destructive lockdowns. Moreover, note that in Canada the average life expectancy is 81.7 years while at the end of April 2020 the median age of those who died from COVID-19 was 84. Currently, as of the time of this writing, the average age at death from COVID-19 in Alberta is 81, and so equal to Canadian average life expectancy. Similarly, the average age at which people die from COVID-19 in the U.K. is 82.5 years, and the average life expectancy is very slightly less! In other words, COVID-19 does not even reduce average life expectancy, which means that those who ordinarily die from COVID-19 are those who are already on the way out of this world, and who would therefore die regardless of COVID-19! And as sad as such human deaths are, they are not tragedies. Dying at old age is normalcy. However, when a child dies, that is tragedy. And there is no doubt whatsoever that the lockdowns are killing far more young lives than the virus. According to the AP report already cited, lockdown-induced hunger alone has been leading to 10,000 more child deaths each month over the first year of the pandemic! While the risk of dying from COVID-19 in that age group is close to or less than a chance of dying from a lightning strike!!
“How many people aged 15 or under have died of Covid-19? Four. The chance of dying from a lightning strike is one in 700,000. The chance of dying of Covid-19 in that age group is one in 3.5 million. And we locked them all down. Even among the 15- to 44-year-olds, the death rate is very low and the vast majority of deaths have been people who had significant underlying health conditions. We locked them down as well. We locked down the population that had virtually zero risk of getting any serious problems from the disease, and then spread it wildly among the highly vulnerable age group.” – Dr. Malcolm Kendrick (MD and GP for the National Health Services England, The Lockdown is Causing so Many Deaths)
It is most true then, as Dr. Kendrick further notes, that if one had written a plan for making a complete fiasco out of things they would have come up with this one! It is therefore with utter dismay and shock that I observe that this giant and utterly destructive fiasco was welcomed and endorsed by the vast majority of Christian leaders. Why?? Where was their discernment?? Why did they not study the matter out as they should have done?? Why have they unquestionably surrendered to government authority??