The abysmal and disgraceful failure of Christian leadership during the coronavirus scare-demic – Part 5
Bowing down to pseudoscientific dictatorship, Covidiocracy and government’s gross hypocrisy is not Christ-honouring and yet most Christians are doing so
It Part 4 I discussed some of the most destructive consequences of government-imposed lockdown measures against the new flu-like virus, including mass starvation due to the destruction of businesses and loss of livelihoods, premature deaths due to cancellation of essential medical services and procedures, as well as due to depression and hopelessness-driven drug-overdoses and suicides. To all who have not succumbed to the religion of fear, and have not relied on the government health officials and the mainstream media as their sole or primary source of information, and have thus preserved the capacity to examine the data independently, critically and objectively, it has long become evident that the lockdown experiment was an utter and terrible fiasco, and therefore, that the COVID-19 cure is much worse than the disease it was supposed to prevent. And for those of Christian faith such an outcome ought not to be in the least surprising, because we believe that ultimately God cannot bless what He does not endorse. Measures therefore that are not endorsed by the Word of God cannot have good outcomes, and mass quarantine of healthy individuals on the mere suspicion that they might be disease carriers is one such measure. It is not however that our politicians and public health officers are only guilty of rejecting God’s Word in favour of their own wisdom, but they are also guilty of rejecting the word of their own science experts on what is appropriate and what is completely inappropriate for the purpose of containing respiratory viruses!
“There are no historical observations or scientific studies that support the confinement by quarantine of groups of possibly infected people for extended periods in order to slow the spread of influenza. A WHO Writing Group, after reviewing the literature and considering contemporary international experience, concluded that “forced isolation and quarantine are ineffective and impractical.” Despite this recommendation by experts, mandatory large-scale quarantine continues to be considered as an option by some authorities and government officials.
It is difficult to identify circumstances in the past half-century when large-scale quarantine has been effectively used in the control of any disease. The negative consequences of large-scale quarantine are so extreme (forced confinement of sick people with the well; complete restriction of movement of large populations; difficulty in getting critical supplies, medicines, and food to people inside the quarantine zone) that this mitigation measure should be eliminated from serious consideration.” – Donald A. Henderson et al. (Disease Mitigation Measures in the Control of Pandemic Influenza)
What you need to know is that the lead author behind this statement, the late D. A. Henderson, was one of the leading champions of medical orthodoxy. He was a medical doctor, educator, and epidemiologist credited for eradicating smallpox throughout the world as well as for launching the international childhood vaccination programs. From 1977 to 1990 he served as a dean of the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. After stepping down as dean he served in the White House from 1991 to 1993 as associate director for life sciences in the Office of Science and Technology Policy. He is also renowned for initiating and leading America’s preparedness and response efforts for bioterrorism, and in 1998 he became founding director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Civilian Biodefense Strategies. Therefore, as an advocate and expert on public health and biopreparednes, Henderson was well acquainted with the scientific consensus on infectious disease mitigation. And what he summarized in the cited scientific publication published in 2006 in Biosecurity and Bioterrorism was in fact the consensus historically upheld even by the WHO, and thus a fatal stroke to the touted scientific legitimacy of our government’s present-day public health measures.
“Travel restrictions, such as closing airports and screening travelers at borders, have historically been ineffective. The World Health Organization Writing Group concluded that “screening and quarantining entering travelers at international borders did not substantially delay virus introduction in past pandemics…and will likely be even less effective in the modern era…
An important message is to request that all who are ill remain isolated at home or in the hospital but to encourage others to continue to come to work so that essential services can be sustained…
An overriding principle. Experience has shown that communities faced with epidemics or other adverse events respond best and with the least anxiety when the normal social functioning of the community is least disrupted.”– Donald A. Henderson et al. (Disease Mitigation Measures in the Control of Pandemic Influenza)“Ill persons should remain home when they first become symptomatic, but forced isolation and quarantine are ineffective and impractical…
Reports from the 1918 influenza pandemic indicate that social-distancing measures did not stop or appear to dramatically reduce transmission…For example, in Lomé, British-occupied Togo, case-patients, suspected case-patients, and contacts were isolated; traffic was halted; schools and churches were closed; public meetings were banned. Despite these and other measures, influenza was well established in Lomé by October. In Edmonton, Canada, isolation and quarantine were instituted; public meetings were banned; schools, churches, colleges, theaters, and other public gathering places were closed; and business hours were restricted without obvious impact on the epidemic…
In Canada in 1918, one report noted, “Many small towns attempted to isolate themselves with complete quarantines, reminiscent of medieval attempts to stave off plague, in which no one was allowed to enter or leave town. No one was allowed to buy railway tickets to these towns and passengers were barred from disembarking at them. The Canadian Pacific Railway reported 40–45 towns closed in the province of Manitoba during the height of the epidemic; the Canadian Northern line bypassed 15 more. The Alberta Provincial Police guarded roadblocks on major highways in the Province of Alberta in an effort to keep influenza from reaching three prairie municipalities. These measures were nonetheless ‘lamentably inefficient in checking the spread of the disease.’ Quite simply, isolating individuals and families or quarantining entire communities did not work.” – World Health Organization Writing Group, Nonpharmaceutical Interventions for Pandemic Influenza, National and Community Measures)
There you have it then, you have now heard from the highest echelons of orthodox medical establishment that there are no scientific studies that support the mass confinement or quarantine of possibly infected people for extended periods of time in order to slow down the spread of respiratory viruses. Attempting such large scale quarantine measures was thus doomed to end in a complete fiasco, as in fact it has. And so what the governments around the world have done in response to this pandemic is completely contrary to all historically established science.
“The use of universal lockdowns in the event of the appearance of a new pathogen has no precedent. It has been a science experiment in real time, with most of the human population used as lab rats. The costs are legion…Perhaps this is a shocking revelation, given that universal social and economic controls are becoming the new orthodoxy. In a saner world, the burden of proof really should belong to the lockdowners, since it is they who overthrew 100 years of public-health wisdom and replaced it with an untested, top-down imposition on freedom and human rights.” – American Institute for Economic Research (Lockdowns Do Not Control the Coronavirus: The Evidence)
The use of national lockdowns was indeed a big experiment on unwitting human guinea pigs, and while the stated goal of lockdowns was to reduce mortality from COVID-19, the accumulating body of research data show that the experiment has badly failed – i.e., lockdowns either made no significant difference, or in many cases, made things worse. For example, the 11 U.S. states that did not impose lockdowns last fall and winter have overall suffered fewer COVID-19 deaths than states that did impose lockdowns. And this outcome is not in the least surprising, because any sound epidemiologist will tell you that lockdowns can only at best slow down or delay the spread of the virus (i.e., they can “flatten the curve”), but they cannot and do not lower the total number of infections or overall mortality. And therefore, long-term lockdowns are a totally destructive measure because they are a measure that has virtually zero benefit, and makes the crisis longer by hindering the development of herd immunity, while causing at the same time an immense amount of irreversible and irreparable collateral damage.
“It is precisely lockdowns and restrictions that slow the building of herd immunity, which in turn is needed to stop the epidemic and protect high-risk groups. In the long run, such a policy can lead to excessive mortality…Thus, the policy of imposing and easing restrictions only prolongs the crisis, destroys the economy, and eventually leads to a larger number of victims.” – Udi Qimron, Uri Gavish, Eyal Shahar & Michael Levitt (UQ: professor and elected head of the Department of Clinical Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Medicine at Tel-Aviv University; UG: physicist, expert in algorithm analysis and bio-medical consultant; ES: professor emeritus and epidemiologist at University of Arizona; ML: Nobel Prize-winning Structural Biology professor at Stanford University, Countering the Second Wave With Facts, Not Misconceptions: A Policy of Imposing & Easing Restrictions Only Prolongs the Crisis, Destroys the Economy, & Eventually Leads to a Larger Number of Victims)
Lockdowns therefore indeed do not control respiratory viruses, they never have and they never will. So what happened then in 2020 that hundreds of years of empirical evidence was thrown under the bus? What happened is that for some obscure reason the world decided to follow China communist party-“science” because it is they that started the lockdown madness.
“China declared full-scale war on the West in 2020 in the most surreptitious way possible: by imposing lockdowns in Wuhan. No one would suspect China of declaring war in this way – by first locking itself. Just like the Trojan horse was dragged inside Troy by getting its citizens excited about something “amazing”, China managed to excite the West through panic and hysteria to drag Chinese lockdowns into its innards – where they have dutifully exploded like suicide bombs.” – Sanjeev Sabhlok (formerly an economist in the Australian Victorian government, Xi Jinping’s Use of Hysteria as Warfare – Part 1)
Now for those of you who understand communism and totalitarianism, you should from here also understand that lockdowns were never designed to control viruses but to control people.
“The dangers of this epidemic are presented with the help of scientific imposture. The consequences of these mistakes lead to emergencies in many regions, which are attributed to an epidemic. This creates precisely the wave of fear so many in business and politics are now riding [on] and which threatens to bury our fundamental rights.” – Wolfgang Wodarg (internist and pulmonary physician, specialist for hygiene and environmental medicine, public health and social medicine. Former member of the German Federal Parliament and former chairman of the Subcommittee on Health in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, COVID-19 – A Case For Medical Detectives)
People are being lied to on a grand scale about the threat of this virus and manipulated into believing that sacrificing all basic civil liberties is an acceptable trade-off for public safety. Advocates of the liberty-for-safety trade-off, as well as those who simply go along to get along, and think the government will allow them some semblance of normalcy if they comply with their monstrously unreasonable and unscientific mandates should however be reminded of the fact that history teaches us that those who think they can trade liberty for safety soon lose both liberty and safety.
“Relieving people of the burden of freedom in order to make them feel safe is a recurring theme in the history of authoritarianism.” – Frank Furedi (Don’t Sacrifice Freedom at the Altar of Safety)
“Learning the wrong lesson – assuming that mass quarantines are both good and effective – sets a dangerous precedent for future pandemics.” – Amelia Janaskie (American Institute for Economic Research, What They Said About Lockdowns Before 2020)
Sadly it seems that the vast majority of people have learned the wrong lesson about lockdowns! What they should have learned instead is that there are no historical observations or scientific evidence that support the prolonged confinement by quarantine of large groups of asymptomatic healthy individuals for the purpose of mitigating the impact of infectious diseases. Quarantine of an entire state population, for disease control purpose, is thus patently an experiment without historical precedent. Quarantining sick symptomatic people is consistent with infectious disease mitigation according to both Scripture (Leviticus 13) and sound science, while quarantining healthy people is consistent with governmental tyranny and authoritarianism. We should have never copied China communist party-“science.” And yet, we are doing it to this very day, in spite of all the data screaming at us to make a U-turn. It is a definition of mental instability at best and insanity at worst to keep insisting on a measure that has never worked before and expect a different outcome. This however is what the governments around the world have been doing for the whole year by imposing lockdowns, social distancing and mandatory masking measures, and that sadly with the full blessing of the vast majority of churchmen and Christian people. And when one man stands against all this utter nonsense, refusing to impose mandatory masks, social distancing and a cap to church attendance to 15% of fire code capacity, what happens? He is thrown in a maximum security jail and denied bail, being deemed a “public health risk”, and that in spite of the fact that his church hasn’t had one single case of COVID-19 throughout the whole time they’ve been meeting regularly as a congregation!! The fact is that church congregations are not infection super-spreaders, that is a blatant lie perpetuated by both ignorance and prejudice.
“You know the accusation is that these church services are a threat to public safety. Our congregation has been meeting normally since June, there has not been a single COVID infection associated with our congregation. You know, where is the evidence? Is this really justified? You know, we are arresting pastors now?” – Patrick Schoenberger (pastor, Heights Baptist Church, Medicine Hat, Alberta, “Without Hope, People Have Nothing”: Pastor Criticizes Alberta COVID-19 Response)
“It is a travesty of justice to have a pastor in jail for not complying with unscientific and unconstitutional health orders in respect to which the government has not provided any evidence, only theories…The government has a theory that church services are a danger to public health, there’s no evidence that’s been before any court to support that…” – John Carpay (the president of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, JCCF, the legal group representing pastor James Coates, With Trial Against Jailed Pastor, Alberta Gov’t Will Have to Use COVID Science, Stop ‘Fear-mongering’)
So tell me now who is here really following the science, and who is following medieval superstition and the modus operandi of the inquisition?! Pastor James Coates is not a public health risk, he is a political prisoner of a tyrannical regime that cannot stand any opposition to its deranged policies. He is criminalized for following the truth of God’s Word, his conscience and true science, and for rebuking the government of Alberta for its overreach, and reminding them of the fact that they are not above the Law of God. He is a rare sane voice in a sea of madness, oppression and anti-Christian bigotry.
“I would characterize pastor James is a political prisoner…because I understand completely without reservation that COVID is a political problem, it is not a health problem. The health problem was dealt with long ago [it went away of its own!], it is a political problem, and those who are opposing that political problem are subject to incarceration and penalties.” – Randy Hillier (MPP for Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston and one of the founders of End the Lockdown Caucus, Interview: Randy Hillier on the Arrest of Pastor James Coates)
LORD, how long shall the wicked, how long shall the wicked triumph? How long shall they utter and speak hard things? and all the workers of iniquity boast themselves? They break in pieces thy people, O LORD, and afflict thine heritage…Yet they say, The LORD shall not see, neither shall the God of Jacob regard it. Shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with thee, which frameth mischief by a law? They gather themselves together against the soul of the righteous, and condemn the innocent blood. – Psalm 94:3-5…7…20-21.
“They gather themselves together against the soul of the righteous,” so many are there of them that they crowd their assemblies, and carry their hard measures with enthusiasm; they are the popular party, and are eager to put down the saints. In counsel, and in action, they are unanimous; their one resolve is to hold their own tyrannical position, and put down the godly party.” – Charles H. Spurgeon (The Treasury of David, Commentaries on Psalm 94)
“The term throne is used, because those against whom the present charge is brought were not common robbers or assassins, who are universally recognized as infamous, but tyrants who persecuted the Lord’s people under color of law.” – John Calvin (Calvin’s Commentaries on Psalm 94:20)
The COVID-19 problem is not indeed a health problem, it is a political problem, and those who oppose it find themselves in opposition to tyranny, which under the guise of public health “emergency” and “necessity” seeks to strip away all civil and religious liberty.
“The noted British statesmen William Pit once said, “necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom, it is the argument of tyrants and it is the creed of slaves.” And the tyrants of our day have learned that the virus is the perfect narrative to impose tyranny on citizenry filling them with fear and hysteria. And this tyranny is evil, it is a pernicious evil where the citizens [are pitted] against one another, government has put up numbers to call and websites to visit in order to tell on your neighbours for not complying [thus promoting Gestapo tactics], the media has put out countless of articles and videos to teach citizens how to shame those not wearing masks.” – Matthew Trewhella (pastor, Mercy Seat Christian Church, Wisconsin, A White Lie and Black Death: Why Does the Church Believe the COVID19 Lie? Part I)
The state-propagandist media has indeed been waging a relentless war on truth by shaming and demonizing critical thinkers and all those who refuse to go against their own conscience, and will thus not blindly bow down to the tyrannical statists and their blatant lies and arbitrary rules. Sadly however, there are too many people who believe things are true just because the media reports them.
“The mainstream media has created a religion out of public health, one based on superstition, not science, with the power to rule over an obedient public.” – Stephen Malthouse (physician and a member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia since 1978, Open Letter to Dr. Bonnie Henry From Dr. Stephen Malthouse)
“…the measures that are being undertaken social distancing, the obscene mandatory mask orders that have come down are neither scientifically nor medically based…there was a consensus in the scientific community, an avalanche of evidence, that masks don’t work, in fact, the box warning on the back of the box of masks that you buy says, ‘warning, this does not protect you from COVID-19.’ Up until now, Teresa Tam in March, the WHO, the CDC in the States have said no [thus agreeing with all legitimate science that says:], masks do not work to stop airborne aerosol viruses, and they actually do harm to people. So all of a sudden, after 4 months through the thick of the so-called pandemic, all of a sudden everybody is required to wear a mask everywhere…but you know, the evidence is just not there. There is no medical or scientific evidence. These measures are not medically or scientifically based. In fact, the B.C. Chief Public Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry early on said something and she reiterated it July 14th on an update on her website when they asked her, ‘how did you come up with no more gatherings than 50 while in Ontario it was 10?’ And she said, ‘well this is not scientifically based. We think 50 is a reasonable number we can track on the contact tracing apps. This is not based on science.’ Well, what’s it based on? Witchcraft? I mean, we are not following science here.” – Rocco Galati (Constitutional Lawyer Rocco Galati Talks about Unconstitutional Covid 19 Laws)
We are indeed not following science here, and never have. From the very beginning the COVID-19 response was built on a giant lie produced by professor Neil Ferguson from the Imperial College of London whose mathematical model predicted that COVID-19 would claim over 2 million deaths in the U.S. and half a million in the U.K. in the absence of national lockdowns. This model provided the supposed scientific rationale for locking down countries world-wide in response to the perceived COVID-19 threat.
“The evidence mounts on a daily basis that locking down whole populations in the hope of “flattening the curve” was a catastrophic error, perhaps the worst policy mistake ever committed by Western governments during peacetime. Just yesterday we learnt that the lockdowns have forced countries across the world to shut down TB treatment programmes which, over the next five years, could lead to 6.3 million additional cases of TB and 1.4 million deaths. There are so many stories like this it’s impossible to keep track. We will soon be able to say with something approaching certainty that the cure has been worse than the disease.
Neil Ferguson isn’t single-handedly responsible for this world-historical blunder, but he does bear some responsibility. His apocalyptic predictions frightened the British Government into imposing a full lockdown, with other governments quickly following suit. And I’m afraid he’s absolutely typical of the breed. He suffers from the same fundamental arrogance that progressive interventionists have exhibited since at least the middle of the 18th Century – wildly over-estimating the good that governments can do, assuming there are no limits to what “science” can achieve and, at the same time, ignoring the empirical evidence that their ambitious public programmes are a complete disaster. At bottom, they believe that nature itself can be bent to man’s will.” – Toby Young (The Fatal Hubris of Professor Lockdown)
And so again dear Christian, note that if you are supporting COVID-19 restrictions you are also supporting the life-destroying tyrannical policies of godless and arrogant politicians and their “science experts” who pervert all sound judgment for their own selfish ends, and who are moreover blatantly lying to you when they are saying they are following the science, and that “we are all in this together.” Whatever they are following one thing is sure, it is not science, and it is also certain that we are not all in this together, because those who have demanded of millions of people to give up their livelihoods or medical necessities for the sake of allegedly preserving public safety have not been willing to make the least sacrifice themselves to promote the “righteousness” of their cause! In fact, professor Neil Ferguson was caught red-handed breaking lockdown rules in meeting with a married woman with whom he was having an affair, all the while he was lecturing the public on the need for strict social distancing!
Now, for those of you out there who still do not believe or cannot grasp that our government officials are tyrants, let me remind you again that historically it has been the very character of tyrants to prohibit free assembly, promote state-dependency by destroying people’s livelihoods and censor and crush all dissenting opinions. Today’s tyrants by their “stay at home” edicts have literally prohibited millions of people from earning a living and restricted drastically their civil liberties to allegedly protect them from a virus that has 99.74% survival rate, while they themselves have lost not one pay-check in the process. And so the ones who are the greatest cheerleaders and pushers of the lockdowns are those who are not in the least hurt by them – gutless politicians, the mainstream media and the rich-men.
“The political crack-up over the coronavirus was only possible in 2020 because those cracking up weren’t going to brutally suffer the impact of their childish emotion. Basically those making decisions could completely lose their minds, only to rob others of their personal and economic freedom. Why not? They could claim they were “doing something,” plus their “doing something” would in no real way inhibit their ability to continue to work and provide. This was a #richmanscoronavirus. Please repeat this truth over and over again. There’s quite simply no way politicians respond in 2000 or 1920 the way they did in 2020 [because, as the author notes, even 20 years ago technology of the internet variety wasn’t nearly advanced enough for the well-to-do to take multiple month breaks from reality].They were able to ball up in the fetal position because the tragic consequences of their overreaction would not hurt them.
Same with the New York Times. Same with all manner of supercilious types who, in response to criticism of political hysteria, either did nothing…or claimed a deep belief in “science” when asked why they weren’t up in arms about the takings of freedom and property by witless politicians. Translated for those who need it, those who sat out this tragedy or who supported the lockdowns, or “science,” or whatever, did so because they could. They were employed, and they will be employed.
It all raises a question that rates routine ask: just how deep is your coronavirus religion? How deep is your belief in “the science”, and the precautions forced on workers and businesses such that jobs and businesses are vanishing, such that people around the world are starving? Getting into specifics, how many who so haughtily supported the political class’s actions, or implicitly supported them by doing nothing, would respond in similar, upturned nose fashion if their jobs and businesses were threatened?...
So there’s your answer. Belief in the corona-religion is thin, but much worse, it’s gutless. People believe as long their jobs and their businesses aren’t being destroyed…Let’s never stop reminding them of this truth.” – John Tamny (American Institute for Economic Research, Would You Support the Lockdowns If It Meant Losing Your Own Job?)
Let us indeed not stop reminding all these leftist “social justice” and communist-style “equality” warriors of the inconvenient facts of their religious COVID cult, and especially when they go about sanctimoniously lecturing us that we are “all in this together.” And so not only are they tyrants, but they are gross hypocrite cult leaders as well. For not only are they exempt from the devastating life-destroying collateral damage of the policies they impose on others, but also by these policies they are enforcing arbitrary rules which are neither grounded in science nor common sense, and apply to everyone but themselves! You don’t believe me? You still think I am exaggerating? Then please spare a few minutes to watch the following clip posted on January 19th 2021 on youtube and hear the amazingly candid admission by Manitoba’s government official in which he quite bluntly states that COVID-19 related public health orders do not apply to any levels of government.A Case For Medical Detectives
And so I hope you have heard it now from the horse’s own mouth! It is quite plain then by the government’s own admission that truly we are not “all in this together” as they constantly tell us! Rather, welcome to Animal Farm, where all animals are equal but some are more equal than others!!
Dear Christian people, tell me now, why then are you still following the public health orders (for as you have just heard, they are indeed intended for the public alone and not for the overlords!!) of these gross deceivers and hypocrites, and worse still, why do you honour them instead of God with your unquestionable obedience?? And do you really think you are reverencing God and loving your neighbour by bowing your knee to such people, thus unconditionally endorsing their dictatorial policies, blatant lies and gross hypocrisy? Don’t you know that to love and fear the Lord is to hate evil (Proverbs 8:13; Psalm 97:10; Romans 12:9), and what you hate you do not accommodate!! Are you then not as God’s people meant to be promoters and the defenders of good and not of evil? (Isaiah 1:16-17; Romans 12:9; 1 Thessalonians 5:15; Titus 2:14). Are you not also commanded by His Word to prove all things and hold on to that which is good? (1 Thessalonians 5:21). Are you not commanded to have nothing to do with the wicked deeds of darkness but rather to reprove them? (Ephesians 5:11). Further according to that same Word – the Bible, which you claim to uphold, it is those who forsake God’s Law that praise the wicked, but such that keep it contend with them! (Proverbs 28:4) And part of contending with the wicked is refusing to uphold and bow down to their unrighteous decrees. Obedience to tyrants and to unjust laws is in fact rebellion to Almighty God, and most appallingly, a whole lot of professing Christianity including its leaders are guilty of it.
“Is it a good thing, is it a loving thing to bar you from your job for fear of potentially getting the flu? Is it good to call the church non-essential? Is it a good thing to applaud lawless rioters and punish the police who are trying to stop them? Is it a good thing that you can’t shop, but you can loot with impunity? Is it a good thing that you can’t attend church, but you can set one on fire and nobody will do anything about it?...Is it a good thing that you can tear down statues of historical figures of the past, but don’t you dare abolish the greatest racists of the last 200 years – Charles Darwin and Margaret Sanger?” – Scott T. Brown (director of the National Center for Family-Integrated Churches and elder at Hope Baptist Church in Wake Forest, North Carolina, Is It Loving to Social Distance?)
“So you are telling me we can’t meet in churches and congregate, but you are going to let rioters burn cities down and they don’t have to socialist distance, they don’t even have to wear a mask, and we are not going to cap the number of people that can go there, there is no occupancy limit on a riot, but a church has to be at 25% or 50% or 10%. Where are the ministers that have a brain?! Where are the ministers that are telling the truth? The lies of Antifa and BLM…that we are racist that we are xenophobic, we’re haters when all we see is hatred and vitriol from them [BML & Antifa] and it’s protected by the state while the church is muzzled with a burqa, with a hijab. What is wrong in this country that we can’t see this and we can’t react to this, when all we have to do is stand up, take the mask off, throw it on the ground and say NO.” – Ken Moran (Christian minister, Open Churches NOW 100%: Introduction to Wise As Serpents Series)
“…and all along the way, [the] puppets have aided and abetted the Christ haters and their leftist agendas with their bogus rendering of Romans 13.” – Matthew Trewhella (A White Lie and Black Death: Why Does the Church Believe the COVID19 Lie? Part I)
Note then that by the same radical leftist decree of the North American and Canadian governments the exercise of righteousness is strictly prohibited, while the exercise of utter lawlessness (under the guise of “social justice”) is encouraged, praised and freely permitted!
And so please think again Christian people, what you are truly doing by your blind compliance with government’s edicts – something the Scripture never commanded. Remember, the German people during Nazi Germany were also “just obeying orders” when they were promoting Hitler’s genocidal policies, which is precisely why a perverse exegesis of Romans 13 was a tool which the Nazi’s unabashedly used to their advantage in making the gullible professing Christian people their faithful accomplices. Don’t you know nothing of history? My grandfather who was a Roman Catholic knew well that there was a point at which it is not right to obey the government, which is in fact why he became involved in smuggling the Jews during the 2nd World War in order to help them escape the Nazi death camps, even though he knew this could well cost him his life, since Croatia was at that time under one of the worst fascist regimes ever recorded in human history. But my Roman Catholic grandfather knew far better than so many professing evangelicals today, and was willing to risk his life in order to uphold righteousness over lawlessness, and to obey God rather than men (Acts 4:19; Acts 5:29).
I ask you therefore again dear Christian to reflect deeply as to whether you are truly honouring God in making His commandment of none effect by upholding Caesar’s public health edict. According to Scripture, you are not. In fact, you are guilty of idolatry and of breaking the very first commandment by having another god in place of the Lord Jesus Christ!! For He is the only One Who is to be feared so as to be obeyed unconditionally and unquestionably, for He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords and there is none before Him. Who then is factually your real lord? Christ or the politicians and unelected health officials?? I plead with you – please wake up and get out of the COVID cult, it is high time. The politicians and the unelected health officials who are imposing all these destructive and tyrannical public health measures know full well what they are doing. They know the PCR test results upon which they built their entire excuse for keeping us locked down to this day are utterly useless because,
A positive COVID-19 PCR test is not synonymous with COVID-19 disease;
Independent quality assessments and real-world data indicate that the COVID-19 PCR is not reliable due to an unacceptably high rate of false positive results (up to 50-90%!!);
The COVID-19 PCR test cannot accurately distinguish between COVID-19 and other coronaviruses, and cannot rule out that symptoms of a disease were caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens;
Detection of viral RNA may not indicate the presence of an infectious virus or that COVID-19 is the causative agent for clinical symptoms (because the COVID-19 PCR test cannot distinguish between a live infectious COVID-19 virus and viral debris from a virus destroyed by the host’s immune system);
The number of the so called COVID-19 “cases” can be artificially increased simply by increasing the number of COVID-19 PCR tests.
Further, the high priests of the COVID state-cult also know that SARS-CoV-2 virus is not a serious threat either to the health system or the general population, they know masks don’t protect a person from catching the virus and have therefore no impact on mitigating its spread, they know lockdowns don’t work and cause far more harm than good, and they know their measures are completely arbitrary. They are way too smart not to know all this, and they are laughing at your gullibility in taking everything they say as if it were the Gospel. Think how much you are hurting your witness to Christ by bowing your knee down to sheer Covidiocracy.
Look, if the lockdowns did work, then we wouldn't still need them. But if on the other hand lockdowns didn't work, which, as I have already shown, is in fact the case according to real science, then please tell me why on Earth are we still doing them?? Albert Einstein is said to have said that it is senseless to keep repeating the same thing and yet expecting a different result. And I know that by now I am sounding like a broken record but I am compelled yet again to repeat that it is even more senseless to stop all regular social activity for a virus that that has a 99.74% survival rate!! What kind of precedent is this setting? Shall we now start shutting down societies for every future influenza outbreak? Or every time some mad scientist like professor Neil Ferguson demands it?
And further, tell me again how is killing people’s jobs and denying them essential medical care for the fear of spreading COVID-19 saving their lives?? Also, can you tell me what does imposing night curfews, as has been done in some countries like the Netherlands, the U.K., France, Italy, Quebec in Canada and in the state of Victoria in Australia, have to do with controlling the virus?? Does SARS-CoV-2 become suddenly more dangerous late after sundown??
“The virus is truly amazing and displays intelligence. It also has an inherent clock in its RNA. It is completely safe within a pub. It won’t attack you if you are drinking with your pals and sharing the same atmosphere for hours, inter-breathing breath and absorbing saliva droplets. However, come 10 o’clock, like Cinderella, things change. Suddenly, at 10pm, the virus suddenly changes into a mean, killing terminator and your days are numbered unless you leave the pub in time. What a clever virus.” – Paul Fahy (Christian minister, The Amazing Properties of Coronavirus)
Dear public health order-complying Christian, what will it take for you to wake up and see things as they really are? Do you not realize that the only time Western European countries had been under a night curfew in recent history was during Nazi occupation!! Moreover, can you let me know what does arresting and fining lone beach walkers and skateboarders who skate in an empty skate park, have to do with controlling the spread of coronavirus infections?? And, if you are from British Columbia, then please tell me how come that,
“A pilates class can be held in a church gym or hall, but as soon as someone reads from a holy book, it would be prohibited. A band can perform at a hotel lounge, but if the band sings a religious song, it becomes a prohibited religious service.
A group can meet as a “support group” to support each other for a psychological, mental, or physical health condition, but the same people may not meet at a church to provide spiritual support to each other.” – Mark Penninga (executive director of the Association for Reformed Political Action-ARPA Canada, Head of ARPA Says Banning In-Person Worship in B.C. Violates the Charter)
The Covidiocracy indeed knows no bounds, and there are none as blind as those who refuse to see this.
“The virus is normally deadly…However, its deadly properties can be defeated if you stand a metre [or two meters, depending on the whim of the ruling public health authority] away from other people. Its power is dramatically cut by the magic one metre distancing. This is a major weakness of the virus. Ordinarily, its viral mates will fill any closed environment where infected people are just breathing normally. Being a sub-microscopic particle, a virus just goes everywhere permeating everything. The more a person breathes, the more viral particles are spread absolutely everywhere in the closed space, even a space as big as a supermarket. But the Coronavirus is severely weakened in that it tries to spread abroad but tires easily and when it travels more than 5 foot 11 inches, it just collapses on the floor. We should be thankful that this virus has such a limitation.
But more than this, the virus has deep respect for people eating; and this is one of the beneficial things about this amazing virus. Normally, the virus will spread abroad in any space [especially in churches!] but restaurants are quite safe to socialise and eat. If you are eating, the virus won’t harm you in any way…Thus in a plane or at train other passengers are not affrighted when a person removes their mask and eats or drinks…Yet when not wearing a mask in other situations, even in the fresh air outdoors, the virus becomes virulent. Therefore people have quite rightly overreacted and shouted at or attacked non-mask wearers. The police in Australia have been perfectly reasonable throwing a young woman to the ground, holding her in a chokehold and using six officers to arrest her for not wearing a mask (even though she had health reasons)…It is also sound for scores of police in full riot gear, supported by several horse-mounted policemen, to charge a vegetable market because a few people were not wearing a facemask. These threatening non-mask wearers should have been eating a taco and they would have been safe to the public…
Viruses proliferate and spread most intensively in indoor environments over prolonged periods. But the Coronavirus doesn’t obey these rules and is hindered in the places the government identifies [e.g., it is hindered in Costco,Walmart, restaurants and coffe-shops but it rages in churches!]…The virus is a bit confusing in this area and behaves erratically. Thus the government, which is always correct in its responses, first said stay away from work and remain at home. Then in July it said, go to work and don’t stay at home. In August it launched a campaign encouraging people back to work. Then in September the government is now saying work from home. This is the fault of the virus, which changes its behaviour in order to confuse people…
This amazing virus is also good at mathematics. It knows when it is beaten by a number. Viruses pass easily from person to person in any given situation but this virus is limited by six people. If you are in a group of six or less people, you are quite safe, no matter whom they have contacted and touched all day long…Another example of the stunning ability of the Coronavirus to understand mathematics is in wedding parties. The government misunderstood the maths adopted by the virus at first and allowed wedding parties to be limited to 30 people. But greater intelligence given by the all-knowing government advisors has now shown that the virus can only count to 15, then it gets angry and kills people. So weddings are now limited to 15 people…But the virus has a deep respect for dead people…So while it threatens weddings of over 15 people, it is not dangerous to funerals of up to 30 people…
The virus demonstrates amazing properties, both in its strengths and weaknesses. It is certainly somewhat arbitrary in its choices and curious in its abilities. How grateful we are to the government to understand all these foibles and protect us by its illegal directives. The Constitution and Common Law are nothing in comparison to the eccentricities of this virus, which pose a major threat. It is worth losing all our freedoms in order to combat the idiosyncrasies of such a pathogen.”– Paul Fahy (Christian minister, The Amazing Properties of Coronavirus)
I hope that by now you are able to see the point I am trying to get across to you here – Christians are not honouring and glorifying Christ whose mind they are said to have (1 Corinthians 2:16), and in Whom are all hidden all the treasuries of wisdom and knowledge (Colossians 2:3) by bowing down to sheer hypocrisy as well as boundless Covidiocracy!! Christians are not only to be innocent as doves but also wise as serpents and they are to understand the cunning craftiness of evil men!! (Matthew 10:16).
“...And yet there is no discernment in the church in many congregations. Where is the wisdom of serpents?...Are you fools?...Are you fools [to think] that if you tattoo BLM on your forehead or Antifa on your chest and burn buildings, it [the coronavirus] can’t get you, but if you assemble in a congregation somehow this virus will kill you? What in the world is wrong with you guys? Are you stupid? I mean, He [Christ] says, be wise as serpents and harmless as doves…not dumb as a dove!...What is wrong with you that you are scared to death and you think that a piece of cloth can stop an [airborne] virus…that we can reopen Nevada and have the casinos running and no one’s going to get sick but God help you if you sing a song in public with more than three people there, or if you don’t socialist distance you might get sick.” – Ken Moran (Open Churches NOW 100%: Introduction to Wise As Serpents Series)
Now, you might get a very heavy fine also, even if you socially distance in an empty park, for singing Christmas carols in Trudeau’s Chinada! And you may even be called an “idiot” if you disagree with the government’s idea that this is necessary to protect Canadians from a new flu-like virus! Where indeed is the wisdom of serpents when they cannot see the sheer Covidiocy in all of this??!
“An additional point needs to be made in this context. Christ is always faithful and true (Revelation 19:11). Human governments are not so trustworthy. Scripture says, “the whole world lies in the power of the evil one” (1 John 5:19). That refers, of course, to Satan. John 12:31 and 16:11 call him “the ruler of this world,” meaning he wields power and influence through this world’s political systems (cf. Luke 4:6; Ephesians 2:2; 6:12). Jesus said of him, “he is a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44). History is full of painful reminders that government power is easily and frequently abused for evil purposes. Politicians may manipulate statistics and the media can cover up or camouflage inconvenient truths. So a discerning church cannot passively or automatically comply if the government orders a shutdown of congregational meetings—even if the reason given is a concern for public health and safety.” – John MacArthur (pastor, Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, Christ, Not Caesar, Is Head of the Church: A Biblical Case for the Church’s Duty to Remain Open)
Are you a discerning Christian dear reader? If so please come out of the COVID cult if you haven’t done so already, so that you would not share in its divine judgment for God will assuredly judge every evil work (Isaiah 59:18; Isaiah 66:2-7 Romans 2:5-9; Revelation 18:4-6).
“Christians were warned by Jesus to be aware of deception. They were told that the end times would be full of it. Most churchgoers have been swallowing doctrinal deception for decades so it is not surprising that they also avidly absorb deceit about society. Mark this well, failing to observe the deception in the world is as dangerous as failing to observe it in the church. If you fall for deception you become a slave of Satan.
Because believers have the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the opportunity to have the gift of discernment, the mind of Christ and the word of God, they should never fall for deception. If a Christian is deceived then he has not followed the Holy Spirit, has failed to understand the mind of Christ and has ignored God’s word. The fact that all the UK churches have so easily fallen for this lie proves that the modern church is in serious trouble; it needs to wake up.” – Paul Fahy (Christian minister, An Alert to Believers)
If a Christian has been deceived by the COVID state-cult he has definitely not followed the Holy Spirit but rather grieved Him, because the Spirit of the Lord guides the Lord’s people in all truth (John 16:13). And Christians above all have a duty to search out and discern truth from falsehood, knowing that falsehood abounds on this side of heaven, for the Scriptures indeed tell us in no uncertain terms that the devil deceives the whole world (Revelation 12:9), for he is the father of lies (John 8:44), and he is also the prince of this world (John 14:30), and he rules by deceit (Genesis 3:1-7, 13), and by blinding men’s minds (2 Corinthians 4:3-4), and by taking them captive to do his will (Ephesians 2:2; 2 Timothy 2:26). And the ones who have most guilt in failing to exercise discernment and sound judgment are the Christian leaders, the under-shepherds of the Lord’s flock, for it is they who have the greatest responsibility to search out the matter and to keep ruinous errors from gaining a foothold in their congregations, and they have not done so, otherwise they would never have closed their churches, and they would never have imposed on their people plain superstition and pseudoscientific practices that do more harm than good – such as isolationism and socialist distancing, ban on singing (and by the way, how is singing essentially different from talking?), wearing of masks and treating one another as biohazard bags – making them thus a laughing stock of the God-defying health officials and magistrates! And further, I also, much like pastor Jacob Reaume of the Trinity Bible Chapel in Ontario, cannot help but to conclude that those Christian leaders who have shut their churches, as well as their congregants who endorsed them in this, and who are indignant at pastor Coates for doing otherwise, are all under some kind of a dark spell since they have suspended all Biblical and rational thinking out of a superstitious fear of a flu-like virus!!
“A friend of mine in Texas actually, we were communicating this week and the churches have never shut in Texas apparently…but my friend in Texas said to me he does not understand what is going on up here in Canada, he is talking about the situation in Alberta, he says to me – “there is less than a 100 people in the ICU in Alberta with COVID, and there is 4.5 million people in Alberta and the pastors are OK with shutting the churches – I don’t get it!”…He says to me – “Well I am a Texan and Texans are rebellious, we won’t take this nonsense.” Do you know what I said to him? – Yeah, this is Alberta, it is supposed to be Texas North, I can’t explain it; these people are under a spell! Someone’s cast a spell over them! There is a spell upon the land, I cannot understand it!” – Jacob Reaume (pastor, Trinity Bible Chapel, Waterloo, Ontario, The Problem Behind Our Problems: Where Are the Shepherds?", Ezekiel 34:1-10)
People are indeed under a gigantic spell for cocooning in their houses and freaking out over a flu-like virus that does not even reduce the average life expectancy of most Canadian people!! (See Part 4). And again I ask the pastors – how can you call yourself Christ’s servant and yet go along with all this utterly deranged and mindless hysterical nonsense??