The abysmal and disgraceful failure of Christian leadership during the coronavirus scare-demic – Part 6

Affirming people in their delusions which make them slaves to a new fascist state-cult is not loving, and yet most Christian leaders are doing so

Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law. For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law. – Romans 13:8-10.

Now that we have defined what love actually is according to the only valid standard – the Word of God – let us see how well Covidiocracy conforms with it:

Is it loving your brother to deprive them of the means of grace every week? Is it loving to make people stay home and not have fellowship with other believers? Is it loving to tell people not to take the cup of blessing and eat the bread of the body of the Lord Jesus Chris? Is it loving to tell people that they cannot sing? Is it loving to quarantine healthy people?
Is this what it looks like to do good? In our text here [Romans 13:3] we learn that our responsibility is to do what is good. We are bound by divine order of God to do what is good and to obey the commandments of God.
Is it loving to avoid the sick? Is it loving to stay 6 feet away and keep all your brethren at arms length? Is it loving to leave the elderly alone?...Is it loving your neighbour to put your father in a hospital and he goes into a coma, and he dies without his wife holding on to his hand. Is that loving? Is it loving to keep family members away from the sick in the hospital? Is it loving to be confined alone to die? Is that loving?? Is it loving to withhold touch from those who are sick?
The Bible tells me soit is not loving.
Is it loving to be the people that Jesus spoke of
I was sick and you didn’t visit me [Matthew 25:43].
Is it loving to drive domestic violence up in a land? That’s what’s happening. Massive increases of domestic violence because of the lockdown. Is it loving to sequester people alone so all they have to do is look at pornography, because that is skyrocketing as well.
Is it loving to sequester people alone so that the suicide rates skyrocket as they have skyrocketed. Is that loving? Is that doing good? Christians are supposed to do good. Governments are supposed to do good
I saw the news…couple of days ago…and there is this heart-breaking picture of an older woman outside of a nursing home, and she is holding up a sign, “I need a pen-pal.” I thought how heart-breaking that is…how profane it is to force a person in their old age to need a pen-pal…you know, no family members to come in and hold their hands, or read to them, or sit with them, how cold, how inhumane that is, that’s not loving…don’t tell me, don’t hide behind “I’m loving my neighbour.” Please don’t do that. Pastors are not loving their neighbours when they allow this.” – Scott T. Brown (director of the National Center for Family-Integrated Churches and elder at Hope Baptist Church in Wake Forest, North Carolina, Is It Loving to Social Distance?)

Human dignity and compassion for others has been outlawed during COVID.” – Randy Hillier (MPP for Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston and one of the founders of End the Lockdown Caucus, Interview: Randy Hillier on the Arrest of Pastor James Coates)

Let’s make this very very clear, our government is legislating these things
Is it loving to take a man’s work away from him? Is it loving to shut down a man’s business? Oh, don’t you remember the Bible says – work six days – mankind is commanded to work six days…[and therefore] it is unlawful to take away man’s livelihood. You can’t take away the man’s tools of his trade, that is wicked, that is sinful. And you’ve watched the government shut down men’s livelihoods and taking away their trade…Is this the government doing good? Is a Christian doing good by complying with such things?...
I am really concerned about the churches around us, frankly, that would allow this to happen on their watch, I really am. I did a broadcast with Steven Lawson, two or three weeks ago on the subject about the indispensable presence of the preacher, the physical presence of the preacher, in a congregation. Steve said something really interesting – he said – these people who aren’t meeting they need to ask if they are really Christians.
Here is my proposition
the government is enforcing the abandonment of the Laws of love of God [apparently with the full blessing of most Christians leaders!!]. So, is it doing good?”– Scott T. Brown (director of the National Center for Family-Integrated Churches and elder at Hope Baptist Church in Wake Forest, North Carolina, Is It Loving to Social Distance?)

Dear Christian, the Scripture warns us not to give the devil any foothold in our lives (Ephesians 4:27), and if you are accommodating that much evil, then you really do need to be asking yourself whether you are truly a Christian or not. Every tree is known by its fruit, for a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit; neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit (Luke 6:43-45), and Christ used this analogy to teach us how to discern His true followers from those who only claim to be so (Matthew 7:15-23). For true Christians are God’s own workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them (Ephesians 2:10). Accordingly, Christ gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto Himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works (Titus 2:14). The government however by its utterly unscientific anti-COVID measures is enforcing evil works and the abandonment of the Laws of love as defined by God’s Word, and yet most professing Christians are sheepishly complying. In obeying and going along with the government’s public health orders they are therefore in this instance hating their neighbours not loving them. And according to the apostle John, “he that saith he is in the light, and hateth his brother, is in darkness even until now…and walketh in darkness, and knoweth not whither he goeth, because that darkness hath blinded his eyes” (1 John 2:9, 11).

Dear Christian, please understand then that there can be no accommodation to evil by any who profess Christ’s Name, for any accommodation to evil is evil itself, and lockdowns and state-imposed tyranny are plain evil. Moreover, what do you think Christ would say to you, public health order abiding-pastor, for turning away from His house one of the least of His sheep because they are out of the 15% capacity limit imposed by our government in places where they still “graciously” allow churches to meet together? Do you not realize that by bowing down to their unrighteous edicts you are bowing down to lies, pseudoscience and superstition? And moreover, you are disobeying Christ and the truth of His Word He commanded us to uphold. Christians who claim to worship and honour the God of truth cannot abide in lies. We are to be witnesses of the truth not false witnesses. And so by going along with COVID-19 public health orders Christians are not only guilty of disobedience to Christ, the great evil of idolatry (putting Caesar over Christ), endorsement of economic genocide, despair-driven suicide, government tyranny and gross hypocrisy, but they are also guilty of promoting falsehood and bearing false witness i.e., breaking the ninth commandment (Exodus 20:16).

“You have to stand against evil [because evil prevails when good men do nothing]. This whole thing is evil. The churchmen told us good Christians will obey and go along because that is [allegedly] loving and we don’t want to hurt our witness. The truth is good Christians do not spread lies, and they do not aid and abet tyrant government officials by helping spread their lie.– Matthew Trewhella (pastor, Mercy Seat Christian Church, Wisconsin, A White Lie and Black Death: Why Does the Church Believe the COVID19 Lie? Part I)

Lying is most certainly not loving, and you are not loving people by affirming them in their delusions and encouraging them in their hysteria over a virus that has a 99.74% survival rate!! Perpetuating gross lies and delusions is not Christian, it is Nazi tactic!!

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” – Joseph Goebbels (Joseph Goebbels: On the “Big Lie”)

Do you understand yet why pastor James Coates is in jail, and why the government and their propagandist puppets the mainstream media are censoring, maligning and vilifying all dissent? Do you also understand now the reason for the media’s jaw-dropping success in creating the COVID-19 fear-demic state-cult? The Nazis knew all too well that it is far easier to believe a lie than one has heard a thousand times than to believe a truth that they’ve heard only once. And their ideological descendants of the present day know this too.

“The fabrication of “fiction” may be inspired by a distorted understanding of real facts and for this, the use of a narrative that ends up being repeated over and over again, which then becomes a consensus which is no longer challenged.
COVID-19 is a fiction based on plausible facts.” – Pascal Sacre (physician specialized in critical care, author and public health analyst, fired for his writings on the COVID crisis, The True Face of Covid-19: Fear and “Shock Therapy” to Impose a Totalitarian Society?)

The whole COVID matter has been built on a lie. Remember they first told us this would be a 2-week matter [to flatten the curve]? That was a lie…they said the lockdown was to keep the hospitals from being overrun, but they were never close to being overrun…they said it was to flatten the curve but the curve had long been flattened, [and] never did get anywhere high as they said it would, yet the nonsense goes on, lies upon lies…” – Matthew Trewhella (A White Lie and Black Death: Why Does the Church Believe the COVID19 Lie? Part I)

What is worse than the fact that the nonsense keeps going on is the fact that the vast majority of the people are blindly going along with it! And so to you who support isolationism in the name of public health and by that think you are loving people, I would like to address the following question – please tell me, is selfishness a virtue or a sin?

“The concept of healthy people self-isolating to love their neighbours is not only completely foreign to Scripture but is also condemned as foolish and selfish by Scripture: “Whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire; he breaks out against all sound judgment” [Proverbs 18:1].” – Jacob Reaume (pastor, Trinity Bible Chapel, Waterloo, Ontario, Here We Stand: The Church Must Meet)

According to the Bible then, those who are in favour of isolationism, they in fact are the most selfish and unloving people, notwithstanding all of their pretensions to the contrary, because they want to rob all others of their God-given rights to assemble, work and provide for their families, worship, move freely, love and support one another in the way God intended, and all that because they cannot accept the reality that this novel coronavirus is no worse than the flu!!

“…the lockdowns that cities and states foisted on the American people to fight the spread of the coronavirus were tragically wrong. This was especially true assuming the virus had been even a fraction as lethal as the alarmists told us it was. Precisely because it might kill, any force to make us avoid death was idiotically excessive…command-and-control correlates with economic devastation. We’ve seen this domestically and internationally for the past 11 months. Tens of millions of Americans losing their jobs, millions losing their businesses, and hundreds of millions around the world pushed back into poverty and starvation so that the developed world’s nailbiters could feel safe.” – John Tamny (American Institute for Economic Research, Would You Support the Lockdowns If It Meant Losing Your Own Job?)

Now, the same nailbiters who think everyone else ought to sacrifice their livelihoods and all that makes life worth living so that they could fee safe also cannot accept the fact that healthy asymptomatic people are not biohazard bags, ready to infect and kill everyone unless they maintain the public health order’s arbitrary social distancing measure! Indeed, for the whole rationale for strict isolationist policies, social distancing and limiting social contacts to one’s own family bubble was also built on a giant lie which was debunked by a research study published in Nature – one of the world’s most prestigious scientific journals:

“Here, we describe a city-wide SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid screening programme between May 14 and June 1, 2020 in Wuhan. All city residents aged six years or older were eligible and 9,899,828 (92.9%) participated. No new symptomatic cases and 300 asymptomatic cases…were identified. There were no positive tests amongst 1,174 close contacts of asymptomatic cases.” – Shiyi Chao et al. (Post-lockdown SARS-CoV-2 Nucleic Acid Screening in Nearly Ten Million Residents of Wuhan, China)

The results of this Chinese study are moreover corroborated by U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)’s own data:

“July 17, 2020 – After being unable to clinically prove the existence of one definitive case of asymptomatic transmission, one case of definitive reinfection, or a person being contagious with the SARS-COV-2 virus for longer than 10 days following initial symptom presentation, the CDC no longer recommends daily testing for hospitalized patients.” – Henry Ealy et al. (COVID-19 Data Collection, Comorbidity & Federal Law: A Historical Retrospective)

The peer-reviewed study published by Ealy and colleagues is very significant moreover because it exposes another gigantic lie on which the mainstream COVID-19 narrative is built upon – namely, the supposedly ghastly death count, which in the U.S., as of the 3rd of March 2021 has reached presumably almost half a million figure (494,235). We must then, after all, be dealing with a highly lethal plague right? Nay, but rather we are dealing here with a highly lethal massive fraud:

“The CDC published guidelines on March 24, 2020 that substantially altered how cause of death is recorded exclusively for COVID-19. This change was enacted apparently without public opportunity for comment or peer-review [which was required under federal law]. As a result, a capricious alteration to data collection has compromised the accuracy, quality, objectivity, utility, and integrity of their published data, leading to a significant increase in COVID-19 fatalities.” – Henry Ealy et al. (COVID-19 Data Collection, Comorbidity & Federal Law: A Historical Retrospective)

“I sort of got myself in hot water way back in April when I made the comment that I was, as a physician, being encouraged to do death certificates differently with COVID-19 than with other disease entities. For 17 years, the CDC document that guides us as physicians to do death certificates has stood, but this year, we were told, through the Department of Health and the CDC, that the rules were changing if COVID-19 was involved. If it’s COVID-19, we’re told now it doesn’t matter if it was actually the diagnosis that caused death.” – Scott Jensen (U.S. senator and physician, Have COVID-19 Deaths Been Inflated?)

“Why would the CDC decide against using a system of data collection & reporting they authored, and which has been in use nationwide for 17 years [since 2003] without incident, in favor of an untested & unproven system exclusively for COVID-19 without discussion and peer-review?...Supportive data comparisons suggest the existing COVID-19 fatality data, which has been so influential upon public policy, may be substantially compromised regarding accuracy and integrity, and illegal under existing federal laws.” – Henry Ealy et al. (COVID-19 Data Collection, Comorbidity & Federal Law: A Historical Retrospective)

The researchers estimated the COVID-19 recorded fatalities “are inflated nationwide by as much as 1600% above what they would be had the CDC used the 2003 handbooks,” said All Concerned Citizens…The study pointed out that on March 24, the CDC published an alert instructing medical examiners, coroners and physicians to deemphasize underlying causes of death, also known as pre-existing conditions or comorbidities. COVID-19 was to be listed in Part I of death certificates as a definitive cause of death, regardless of confirmatory evidence, rather than in Part II as a contributor to death in the presence of pre-existing conditions. On its website, the CDC says, just 6% of the people counted as COVID-19 deaths died of COVID-19 alone.” – Art Moore (Study Finds CDC Inflated COVID Numbers by 1,600%)

“We believe this deliberate decision by the CDC and NVSS [National Vital Statistics System] to deemphasize pre-existing comorbidities, in favor of emphasizing COVID-19 as a cause of death, is in violation of 44 U.S. Code 3504 (e)(1)(b), which states the activities of the Federal statistical system shall ensure “the integrity, objectivity, impartiality, utility, and confidentiality of information collected for statistical purposes…This violation has inevitably resulted in COVID-19 data for cases, hospitalizations, and fatalities being artificially elevated, and definitively compromises prudent decision making at federal and state executive levels. This includes policy enforcement for a public health crisis that may not have existed had the CDC abided by the laws that ensure the accuracy of data collection.” – Henry Ealy et al. (COVID-19 Data Collection, Comorbidity & Federal Law: A Historical Retrospective)

Note then that the COVID-19 public health crisis is not a factual crisis but a pseudoscience-manufactured man-made crisis! And the reason for this is the fatal flaw in the new guidelines for death certificates developed by the U.S. CDC, which is that they allowed attributing COVID-19 as a cause of death in every deceased patient who merely tested positive for COVID-19 on a PCR test, regardless of their underlying symptoms. The fraudulent and frankly absurd consequences of these rules are best seen in the following examples:

“The Freedom Foundation, a free-market think tank, published research in May claiming the COVID-19 death total from the state’s Department of Health was inflated by as much as 13 percent by counting every person who tested positive for the disease, even if the death wasn’t caused by it.
State officials subsequently admitted that some deaths reported as caused by COVID-19 ended up not being caused by the disease. A handful of deaths were actually from gunshot wounds, Katie Hutchinson, health statistics manager at the Washington State Department of Health (DOH), told reporters in a phone briefing…An internal email (pdf) also revealed Hutchinson saying that “in theory,” the Freedom Foundation report author was “correct” in saying a person who tested positive for COVID-19 and died in a car accident a month later would be counted as a COVID-19 death.” – Zachary Stieber (Washington State’s COVID-19 Death Count Is Inflated: Death Certificate Analysis)

“I have…examples where COVID isn’t the underlying cause of death [on death certificates where COVID is listed as the underlying cause], where we have a fall…Another example is we have a freshwater drowning. We have dementia. We have a stroke and multi-organ failure.” – Mary Franson (U.S. senator, Have COVID-19 Deaths Been Inflated?)

If I were making the decisions, I would try to give people the real numbers. And I would never destroy my countryMortality due to coronavirus is a fake number. Most people are not dying from coronavirus…If patients died from leukemia, metastatic cancer, cardiovascular disease or from dementia, they put coronavirus. Also, the number of infected people is fake because it depends on the number of tests. The more tests you do the more infected people you get.” – Yoram Lass (former Director-General of the Israeli Ministry of Health, Nothing Can Justify This Destruction of People’s Lives)

Real pandemics don’t require faulty virus models [such as the one produced by Neil Ferguson], rigged test results, inaccurate reporting and manipulated death statistics.” –  Peter Hammond (pioneer missionary, Founder and Director of Frontline Fellowship, the Founder and Chairman of Africa Christian Action, the Director of the Christian Action Network and Chairman of The Reformation Society, Countering the Covid Cult)

And therefore, as we continue to peal the onion of lies, it becomes more and more evident that the Wuhan virus isn’t a horrifying deadly pestilence, much less “the world’s worst crisis since Second World War”, as the U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and the mainstream media would have us believe, but rather, an artificially manufactured crisis and one of the world’s grossest scientific impostures, next to Darwin’s “Origin of species.”

“As a result of state policies based on potentially compromised data published and promoted by the CDC, Americans have lost jobs and businesses in historically unprecedented numbers…Anxiety, depression, suicide rates, domestic violence, and alcoholism have all reportedly risen significantly due to the economic hardships…
Tens of thousands of Americans have died without access to potentially life-saving medications like hydroxychloroquine or nutrient therapies like intravenous Vitamin C. Couple this with the tragic reality that so many Americans passed away alone, without the comfort of their family members, and the collateral damage of our one-size fits all policies becomes even more unpalatable.
All non-COVID related healthcare priorities have also suffered including elective surgeries, proper monitoring of medications, and checkups for the elderly and our children. De-prioritizing all non-COVID cases created collateral damage that far outweighs the infective damage of the SARSCOV-2 virus. Public health policies that create more collateral damage while attempting to avoid an infection with a 99.05% rate of recovery in the vast majority of citizens must be objectively investigated and critically questioned if the goal of living in a healthy society is to be realized.” – Henry Ealy et al. (COVID-19 Data Collection, Comorbidity & Federal Law: A Historical Retrospective)

And so in summary, the perpetrators of the COVID state-cult have consistently lied to us about the threat of the virus, the necessity and efficacy of lockdowns and masks, they lied to us about hospitals being in danger of total collapse in the absence of lockdowns and cancellations of elective procedures, they lied to us when they said that asymptomatic individuals are silent “super-spreaders”, all in order to indoctrinate us into their social distancing isolationist dehumanizing cult where, as pastor Jacob Reaume rightly points out, human beings are wrongfully reduced to mere biological units with little purpose to existence other than to avoid contracting and spreading a virus.

And finally, the COVID state-cult advocates have artificially created a fear-demic by inflating COVID case and death numbers, and they lied to us in saying that “we are all in this together.” Lies, lies, a torrent of lies, and yet most people still believe them, and worse still, Christian people, especially church leaders, promote them under the pretext of “showing love” to our neighbour.

The ninth commandment comes to bear here: you shall not bear false witness [Exodus 20:16]. The churchmen say you are not loving your neighbour if you don’t wear the mask, the churchmen say you are hurting your witness if you don’t wear the mask. I’ve read countless of things where churchmen talked about taking up our cross, and then they apply it to wearing a mask. That’s how despicable they are. The opposite is actually the truth – if you wear the mask you are not showing love to them because you’ve joined the great lie. If you wear the mask you are hurting your witness for Christ because you’ve joined the great lie. When you wear the mask you are bearing false witness to your neighbour, you are telling them the lie is true.” – Matthew Trewhella (A White Lie and Black Death: Why Does the Church Believe the COVID19 Lie? Part I)

“You can look at LA County in Los Angeles, Miami-Dade County, many states in the U.S., the Philippines, Spain, France, the U.K., all over the world mandating masks for the population does not stop cases, that is just super-naive, wrong andthat’s garbage science really, and there is no science to support that. And the WHO does not recommend wide-spread mandatory masks, the NIH [U.S. National Institute of Health] does not recommend that, the [U.S.] CDC data itself shows that doesn’t work. So that’s sort of bordering on carrying a copper bracelet as far as I am concerned.” – Scott Atlas (physician and health-care policy advisor, Robert Wesson senior fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, Government data shows masks had no impact on COVID spread)

“Ten RCTs [randomized controlled trials] were included in the meta-analysis, and there was no evidence that face masks are effective in reducing transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza.” – World Health Organization (Non-Pharmaceutical Public Health Measures For Mitigating the Risk and Impact of Epidemic and Pandemic Influenza)

The Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine at Oxford University summarized six international studies which “showed that masks alone have no significant effect in interrupting the spread of ILI [influenza-like illness] or influenza in the general population, nor in health care workers.” Oxford went on to say that “that despite two decades of pandemic preparedness, there is considerable uncertainty as to the value of wearing masks.” They prophetically warned that this has “left the field wide open for the play of opinions, radical views and political influence.” – Yinon Weiss (These 12 Graphs Show Mask Mandates Do Nothing To Stop COVID)

We’ve seen there is a strong desire by our governments and our public health to continue with this falsehood and continue with this dishonesty…” – Randy Hillier (MPP for Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston and one of the founders of End the Lockdown Caucus, Interview: Randy Hillier on the Arrest of Pastor James Coates)

There is too many vested interests in the path that we followed but I do a lot in mental health...and the damage we are doing to people is just extraordinary, we are creating a tidal wave of anxiety, not just mental illness but anxiety, and that anxiety is going to end up on our streets, at a school gate, in our classrooms in our homes, in bars in police stations…and then eventually it will end up in the NHS [National Health Services]…” – Sir Charles Walker (British Conservative MP, Politicians of Left and Right Join Forces to Challenge Lockdowns)

Hear then Christian, do you want to be supporting garbage mask and lockdown science in word and deed? However that may please so many prejudiced people who out of sheer hysteria have suspended all critical thinking, I assure you it won’t help your witness for Christ, for solid Christians indeed do not perpetuate lies nor help tyrannical governments do the same for their own selfish political ends. And there are indeed great vested interests to keep following on in the path taken, and to keep people in fear and anxiety, and it is to justify more state intervention and therefore to perpetuate the gross idolatry of statist-tyranny.

“Have you noticed what is actually going on in here? To a large extent, it is secular humanism in action. Secular humanism wants heaven on earth (because they do not believe in an afterlife), they want the government to be their saviour…and if you can vote for this party or for this politician, you are going to be saved. If you can enact these laws, we will be saved...[the secular humanists] believe in salvation through politics. And what you are seeing is the failure of those idols...the failure of statism and yet what is the result? People screaming for more state intervention, but it is the states that caused these problems in the first place.
David Rockefeller said many years back: “All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.” And understand, virtually all crises, at least the crises that the main-stream or lame-stream media focuses on, are designed to panic people into accepting less freedom and more state control and state-intervention.” – Peter Hammond (pioneer missionary, Founder and Director of Frontline Fellowship, the Founder and Chairman of Africa Christian Action, the Director of the Christian Action Network and Chairman of The Reformation Society, Pandemic, Panic, Propaganda & Priorities)

“Even now, with hysteria at earth-shattering maximum, even including the worst actual infection and death counts, the outlandish projections of a few weeks ago have not materialized. Yet the media continues to trumpet 80% infection rates and other hyperbolic fantasies to push maximum panic, to justify new police state measures and more public submission.
Easily rendered compliant and submissive, the mobs echo the fearmongering propaganda. We need “testing”! We need vaccines! We need draconian “public health” controls! We need more and more “social distancing.” We need to “change life as we know it” permanently, “for our own good.” We must burrow deeply into the safest crevices in our homes, never to emerge, lest someone “infected” even look at our direction.
In locked down communities across the world, self-righteous new social justice warriors—militant New Age collectivists—are taking it upon themselves to behave like Red Guards on steroids, “enforcing” the proper “social distancing”, reporting on fellow individuals who “fail to comply”, demanding new police enforcement of this new “distancing” paradigms, while also echoing the talking points of the World Health Organization (WHO), the Center for Disease Control (CDC), Big Pharma, and their chosen political idols—the very agents at the source of this “crisis.”
The propaganda has been so effective, so overwhelmingeverywhere, inescapablethat it has robbed even “intelligent” people of their faculties, to the point that they cannot stop obsessing, and will not stop chattering about COVID-19.
The masses enthusiastically parrot, “It’s going to get worse before it gets better!”, almost rooting for the virus to become worse, and rejecting the facts that show that the “crisis” was an overblown Big Lie to begin with…
How will future history books depict this lowest moment in human history? A planet full of weak, submissive, cowardly sheeple, quaking in fear, begging to have their liberties and freedoms taken from them, begging to be controlled, begging to be permanently enslaved.
Human society, more technologically advanced than ever before, stupider, more brain-addled and weaker than ever before.
This is indeed a global pandemic: a pandemic of insanity.
Submissive collectivism, militantly enforced as well as self-imposed
. Indeed, we are watching our societies fail, from both top-down and bottom up.” – Larry Chin (Planetary Hysteria: Manufactured COVID-19 “Health Crisis” Pushes Humanity, Global Society to Total Shutdown)

Despite clear signs of corruption, incompetence, ignorance of eminent personalities in politics, science, medicine, many people continue to obey them. Despite confused, contradictory, unexplained, unjustifiable recommendations, people accept the directive of higher authority. There is proof that the COVID-19 story in several countries (Belgium, France, Spain, Canada…) is indeed a fiction, based on manipulated data, plunging millions of people into a formidable “psychological trap.”
The COVID-19 story is a strategy of “shock therapy.” Strategies of this nature (implying social engineering) are never used for the good of the people.” – Pascal Sacre (physician specialized in critical care, author and public health analyst, fired for his writings on the COVID crisis, The True Face of Covid-19: Fear and “Shock Therapy” to Impose a Totalitarian Society?)

Social engineering strategies that are based on nothing but fear and lies are indeed never used for the good of the people, they are in fact used to enslave people.

This is a bizarre, lunatic, totalitarian cult. It’s not about vaccines or protecting people’s livesit is instead profoundly anti-science, and is only focused on absolute government control of every aspect of our lives.” – U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (This is a Bizarre, Lunatic, Totalitarian Cult – Ted Cruz)

Do you see then what makes COVID public health policy act a cult? The fact that people believe its creeds though they are demonstrably false and that just because they come from some supposed authority. And how do you create a cult? By isolation, indoctrination, manipulation, intimidation, public shaming and vilifying of all dissent, by false guilt-tripping and emotional blackmail; all for the purpose of discouraging and suppressing all critical thinking and promoting infantilism and blind conformity to a self-proclaimed authority. In short, just as the politicians, the health officials, and their useful servants the mainstream media, have done in exploiting the emergence of a new coronavirus.

It has been almost 90 years since the time when critical and free journalism was abolished and the media transformed into the extended arm of the state. It has been almost 90 years since the time when freedom was abolished and opinions of the public were forced into the political line. It has been almost 90 years since the last media-driven mass hysteria. If we have learned just one thing from the darkest times of our German history, then surely it is this: We must never again be indifferent and look the other way. Especially not when the government suspends our fundamental democratic rights. This time, it was only a virus that knocked on our door, but look what we had to go through as a consequence:
– Media-fuelled mass hysteria
– Arbitrary political decisions
– Massive restrictions of fundamental rights
– Censorship of freedom of expression
– Enforced conformity of the media
– Defamation of dissidents (the differently minded)
– Denunciation
– Dangerous human experiments (with gene-based vaccines whose ominous dangers have never been revealed to the thousands of unknowing volunteers).
If that does not remind you of a dictatorship then you must have been sound asleep during your history lessons. The things that remain with us are deep concern and fear. Because so many intelligent and educated people became like lemmings within a short 3 months, willing to obey the demands and commands of the world elite.” – Sucharit Bhakdi & Karina Reiss (SB: microbiologist immunobiologist, former chair of Medical Microbiology at the University of Mainz, and one of the most cited German medical scientist; KR: Associate professor at the University of Kiel, recognized expert in biology, biochemistry, inflammation, and infection, Corona False Alarm? Facts and Figures)

And so if you dear Christian are not seeing that our COVID-restriction-promoting overlords are, in fact, tyrants and that COVID public health policy is a new state religion i.e., a cult you are not seeing reality for what it is.

“What we are seeing is what works to corral people into almost total submission; it is taking about a month. Despite devastating economic consequences, most Americans have so far accepted extreme government intrusions into daily life, without even demanding evidence of effectiveness. Are we in a post-Christian, post-science society, manifested by unquestioning submission to political authorities, even by religious leaders, physicians, and scientists?” – Martin Dubravec (allergist and clinical immunologist, Panicdemic: COVID-19 Panics Physicians, Policymakers, and Pundits, as Well as the Public)

Dear reader, note then that unquestioning submission to a political authority is not a sign of virtuous Christianity but of a total and most degenerate Christian apostasy!! (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4).


 Whomever we unquestionably and unconditionally obey, that is our God. Statism is therefore idolatry and Christians above all other people ought to oppose it vehemently, not comply with it sheepishly!

The most shocking trait of mankind, the thing that stuns me most and leaves me most dumbfounded about man is his willingness to conform, that he will go along with almost anythingmatters of injustice and immorality are of no consequence to them, they blindly conform. Webster’s dictionary says for the definition of conform – to obey or agree with something, to do what other people do, to obey and think in a way that is accepted by most people [while Christians are explicitly commanded by the Scriptures to conform to the mind of Christ as revealed by His Word, and not to popular culture which regards Christ’s wisdom as foolishness!! – Romans 12:2; 1 Corinthians 1:18; 1 Corinthians 2:14, 16; Philippians 2:5; Moreover, the Bible also instructs us not to follow a multitude to do evil – Exodus 23:2].
Jesus understood this about the nature of man, his willingness to conform, its revealed in His statement where He said, enter by the narrow gate for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction and there are many going by it, because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life and there are few who find it” [Matthew 7:13-14]. Most men go along with the crowd their whole life…why do people conform? Frankly much of it has to do with being liked. It has to do with the fear of man [which the Bible says is a snare – Proverbs 29:25]…This whole matter with COVID has helped me to realize this, that they [people] have two traits: indifference and compliance, and that God is using those two traits that they’ve embraced indifference and compliance to send them strong delusion [2 Thessalonians 2:10-12]. The American people have been indifferent and compliant with every evil that has come down the pipe. Indifferent and compliant with the slaughter of the preborn, indifferent and compliant with homosex being decriminalized, and sodomite marriage being legalized, indifferent and compliant to all the transgenderism, indifferent and compliant with every evil that has come along which impugns the Law and the Word of God. And now, they are indifferent and compliant with the very actions of their government regarding COVID. Those two traits indifference and compliance will be their undoing. They are complying to their own destruction.” – Matthew Trewhella (A White Lie and Black Death: Why Does the Church Believe the COVID19 Lie? Part I)

The powers that be are trying to create a “unifying event.” Unify against the virus.” But the crisis is a deception. The masses are unifying around their own servitude, their own destruction. We should indeed be unifying. Against the brainwashing and deception…The masses have not only spinelessly and unquestioningly capitulated, they are begging for more. Wake up. Wake up now.” – Larry Chin (Planetary Hysteria: Manufactured COVID-19 “Health Crisis” Pushes Humanity, Global Society to Total Shutdown)

Dear reader, everyone but Christ’s own blood-redeemed people will one day bow down and capitulate to a great satanic statist delusion, sent by God to all those who received not the love of the truth (2 Thessalonians 2:3-14; Revelation 13). Will you bow down too? If you have fallen for what has transpired for the last 11 months, then you need to understand that it is but a grand social engineering experiment paving the way for that final dark event. The final anti-Christian statist force will be characterized by its extent (it will be global and deceive the whole world), by its opposition to all true worship, by its demand for unquestioning obedience, and by relentless and merciless persecution of all dissidents (2 Thessalonians 2:3-14; Revelation 13). Such a state of affairs very closely resembles that of today, including the fact that we have a certain mark imposed on us (the muzzle) without which it is almost impossible to buy, sell, work, or engage in normal social activities. It is the opinion of this author that the peoples of the world are presently being socially conditioned to one day accept the final statist “solution” (Revelation 13:16-18).

Now I know that Scripture must and will be fulfilled, and that to every jot and tittle (Isaiah 46:9-10; Matthew 5:18; Revelation 17:17). And although the rise of the final global anti-Christian empire is in accordance with God’s eternal purpose (Proverbs 16:4; Revelation 17:15-17), it is nonetheless our duty to oppose it and testify against it even unto death (Revelation 2:10; Revelation 12:11), because not to resist evil is to be complicit to evil and help its progress. Silence and inaction in the face of evil is indeed itself evil, for not to speak is to speak and not to act is to act. We must therefore stand up to uphold God’s truth and righteousness against government-sanctioned diabolical tyranny of lawlessness, and on that front the Christian leadership of our day has been weighed in the balances and found abysmally and disgracefully wanting, with only few notable exceptions, and thank God for them. Even many secular people have reacted better to this crisis than the vast majority of Christian leadership which instead of acting as a beacon of light and reproving the wicked deeds of darkness, sided with them! (Ephesians 5:11).

“…what is happening to the police officers is the same thing that’s happening to everybody in society, our doctors are finding themselves in a similar situation, and thankfully some of them are like pastor James, and have stood up regardless and have spoken up knowing that they’re going to be under investigation by the College of Physicians and Surgeons and facing these repercussions…but these are people of strong character, of high integrity, who are saying, I am not going to live the lie, I am not going to promote falsehoods of what’s going on, and more people have to be like that…We get it with politicians, you know, politicians seldom speak out, seldom want to be in the line of fire, they rather hide and [don’t want to be] held accountable, but now we are seeing so many people in society acting like politicians.” – Randy Hillier (MPP for Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston and one of the founders of End the Lockdown Caucus, Interview: Randy Hillier on the Arrest of Pastor James Coates)

Indeed we are seeing so many people in this era of Covidiocracy acting like immoral and gutless politicians, and worst of all, in many cases it is the professing Christians!! And thus instead of emulating the best part of humanity – God incarnate Himself and all of his faithful servants throughout the ages, they now emulate the worst – the godless politicians!!

“…and you know I would say politicians as a rule don’t have a very good reputation. So pastors and elders and police and doctors and nurses should not be emulating politicians. These people that have high reputations because the public expects them to be people of high character and high integrity, but we’ve seen during COVID that for great many of them they are acting more like politicians instead of people of high integrity…There are [nonetheless] people who are standing up and if there was a few more who would find that resolve in that conviction, this lie of COVID would be ended quickly, the police state would be ended quickly, we would be able to invite our family and friends to our houses without looking over our shoulders, we would be able to hug  our loved ones when they are ill in hospital or in a long-term care [facility], and we could become a compassionate, caring, dignified society once again.” – Randy Hillier (MPP for Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston and one of the founders of End the Lockdown Caucus, Interview: Randy Hillier on the Arrest of Pastor James Coates)

Dear reader we do, in fact, live in a police state, and if you do not realize that then I am sad to say that you are completely out of touch with reality. We are being muzzled, fear-mongered, guilt-tripped, threatened and coerced to give up all of our God-ordained responsibilities and civil liberties, and to conform instead to godless and dehumanizing policies of a medical COVIDiotic dictatorship imposed onto the whole global populace by arrogant statesmen who seek to lord over everyone whilst being accountable to none but themselves. They rule by executive orders, authoritarian-style enforced conformity, public shaming, relentless suppression and criminal penalizing of all dissenting voices that challenge the legitimacy of their policies. And one of the reasons why all this evil prevails is because though in reality there is only a relatively small number of tyrants, yet the vast majority of the rest are silent and compliant cowards, who fail to step up to oppose them.

“The biggest thing people can do is to stoop self-censoring, is to stop holding themselves back...there is a lot of people that are scared to speak up, they are scared of getting into trouble at work, they’re scared of losing their friends, they are scared of what people are going to say, they are scared of the dirty looks. This is a lot of what I hear by people...they are just scared of other people, and usually and unfortunately the more influence the person has, the more scared they are to use it, to say, “You know what? This is wrong, and count me in, I disagree with this, this has to stop.” So people with their words and their actions – peaceful actions – they need to say – enough, enough is enough…it is time for people to say, “I am removing my consent to be policed and governed this way”…I mean…it is time with your individual actions and words to stand up and say, “I disagree with this, it has to stop, it has to end, I am willing to take some risks to participate in ending this. I am going to exercise my democratic right and my democratic responsibility to say NO [I’d say rather that the responsibility we have is before God, for it with Him that we will all have to do on Judgment Day – Matthew 16:27; 2 Corinthians 5:10; Hebrews 4:13; Revelation 20:11-15] – I refuse to be governed this way, I refuse to be policed this way…I refuse to live in a dictatorship, I refuse to live in a dystopia, I refuse to live in a totalitarian communist nation…I refuse to live this way, and I am not going to keep being quiet…I am going to say [and do] something…maybe it is going to the rallies, maybe it is going to churchpeople need to consider peaceful ways that they can say “we are done with this.” This is the thing, I don’t think people understand, and this is where history comes in, it is not going to end! Till enough people say yeah it will endAnd anyone who believes otherwise, honestly, is naive.” – James Kitchen (Pastor James Coates Arrested: His Lawyer Explains)

“If you fight a battle you can win, if you don’t fight a battle you’re guaranteed to lose, and I think pastor Coates…he’s a hero because he chose to fight the battle he was called to fight. And I think one of the biggest problems in Canada is this utter unwillingness to fight battles, and it’s this kind of pathetic, cowardly, people-pleasing type of spirit that seems to infect a lot of people. If we don’t fight for our freedoms we’re going to lose them more and more. There is no reason to think that lockdowns are going to be lifted in April, or May, or June, or July, or August. There’s no reason to think that just by the virtue of the passage of time we’re going to be able to celebrate this Christmas with our loved ones. That’s naive, if you think that that’s just magically automatically going to happen.” – John Carpay (the president of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, JCCF, the legal group representing pastor James Coates, BREAKING: Pastor To Be Released From Jail - Wife and Lawyer Share)

Wake up. The time to peaceably resist this is now. Now I am going to say two words that rock the very heart and confidence of any tyrant worldwide: civil disobedience. Not taking guns and shooting people. Not tearing buildings up and burning stuff like Antifa and BLM do. No. Just saying ‘No’. There is power in saying ‘No’. All you congregations have to do is to say ‘No’. We’re going to reopen, come and arrest us! They can’t arrest everybodyThere are no cops, there is no army that can contain thatThey cannot arrest every Christian in your county.” – Ken Moran (Christian minister, Open Churches NOW 100%: Introduction to Wise As Serpents Series)

If we could get 200 to 300, 400 churches that would be open regardless of what happens…the resurrection Sunday is just around the corner, just a number of weeks away, already we are hearing rumours of a third lockdown, and if we would have 400 churches just say, we will celebrate…the resurrection of Jesus the same way that we have for years and years and years [2 millennia to be more accurate!], and be open for that time, I agree with you that we would not all be put in jail, the health units don’t want to be dealing with all of them [i.e., civil-disobedient Christians]. Pastor James is going through this ordeal because he is alone, or seems to be alone out there in Alberta.” – Michael Thiessen (pastor and campaign manager for Liberty Coalition Canada, Interview: Randy Hillier on the Arrest of Pastor James Coates)

Why is James Coates in jail? I think it is largely because for 11 months Canadian pastors have been OK with the sheep being scattered, and so one man has become a spectacle and anomaly.” – Jacob Reaume (The Problem Behind Our Problems: Where Are the Shepherds?", Ezekiel 34:1-10)

“When the government cracked down on pastor Coates he did not back down, he fought the fight…and I think Canadians need to look to that as an example that, number 1) you need to exercise your rights and freedoms, and then, number 2) when the government cracks down on you in some way shape or form, with a fine or even a jail term, that you stand your ground, and you fight those battles, and that’s what makes the difference, that’s what turns things around, not this pathetic, cowardly compliance with unscientific, ridiculous and very harmful and destructive measures that are hurting so many people. It is not right to just blindly, unthinkingly comply with these measures, when the government has not put forward the evidence to show that lockdowns work, and all the government data and statistics tell us that it’s quite possible to protect those who are truly vulnerable to COVID, but allow everybody else to earn a living and support their families and not be thrown into unemployment and poverty. I do see the tide turning but…we need a lot more people to be a lot more courageous in not complying with these unscientific and unconstitutional health orders that are literally destroying our country.” – John Carpay (the president of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, JCCF, the legal group representing pastor James Coates, BREAKING: Pastor To Be Released From Jail - Wife and Lawyer Share)

We need a lot more people who will stand up for truth and lead by example, and who will point people to Him Who alone can truly save (Isaiah 43:10-11; Isaiah 45:21; Hosea 13:4), and Who alone is safe to be trusted unconditionally, given that it is impossible for Him to lie (Numbers 23:19; 1 Samuel 15:29; Psalm 89:34; Hebrews 6:17-18). And it is the Christian ministers who ought to be leading the train in this, rather than dishonouring Christ by bowing down to government tyranny, hypocrisy and blatant lies!

“And that’s the other thing, I asked my step-mum a few weeks ago…what happened to all the ministers?...they used to be the rebels in the old days. They were the ones who would hide the people, or hide the horses…and I said, what happened? And she said, you know what, it is actually from their schooling…this is what they’ve been getting taught. They are taught not to be the rebels. They are taught to go along with the government mandates and not to question authority…I was just floored but it certainly did explain it.” – Reinette Senum (Interview with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny)      

Dear Christian, the doctrine that we must unquestionably obey government authority is not the doctrine of the Bible but of the devil, and the foundation upon which he is building his statist antichristian global order of which he will be the head. He seeks to set himself in the place of the Most High (Isaiah 14:12-14), and for this reason he arrogates to himself that which belongs to God alone – supreme authority and worshipful unquestionable submission and obedience. And quite sadly, in the building of this new-normal “Great Reset” diabolical global order of governance, the vast majority of professing Christian ministers are the devil’s useful however unwitting co-labourers and confederates!

Think then hard about this, think real hard about all the consequences of your compliance and all the abject evil that you are endorsing with it and STOP complying if you truly love God and your fellow men. For if you are going along with all this nonsense, you are really not loving people because not only are you perpetuating the great COVID lie, but you are also promoting the tyranny and the idolatry of Satanic anti-Christian statism which feeds and grows on that lie.  

Steve Hunter lockdown boot.jpg

Dear Christian, you ought to have seen by now what happens when men blindly trust the government and their health and science “experts” – a complete disaster! And it cannot be otherwise because when you look up to the government as your “lord and saviour”, and not to Christ, and when you forsake God and His Law in order to abide by and uphold man’s law, God gives you over just to what you asked for – useless and evil laws by which one cannot live (Ezekiel 20:19-21, 24-25) – such as – “Thou shalt not work but stay home and save lives! And in all things thou shalt acknowledge that the government is infallible and knows what is best for you, and the government alone thou shalt therefore worship and unquestionably obey!”

“We have to think what kind of a society we want not only for ourselves but for our children and our grandchildren. Do we want a free and prosperous society, where the government respects citizens to assume [their God-given and mandated] responsibilities as adults, or do we want a kind of soft totalitarianism, where the government controls us and manages us as though we are cattle. That’s the big choice that’s facing us.” – John Carpay (the president of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, JCCF, the legal group representing pastor James Coates, BREAKING: Pastor To Be Released From Jail - Wife and Lawyer Share)

The alternative to the government of God is thus ultimately the government of arrogant, godless anti-Christian tyrants. It is therefore high time for you to choose which side are you onGod’s or the god-verment’s? And please be aware that if you are just going along to get along, sitting down and doing nothing but sheepishly complying with the public health policy of total COVIDiocy, then you have already chosen your side and it is not God’s side.

And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will servebut as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. – Joshua 24:15.

“Are you serving God or god-vernment? Who’s your master? Because God said you can’t serve sin. You can only serve one master, you’ll love one and hate the other [Matthew 6:24], it’s time to chooseare you going to serve God or the government? Because you cannot serve both.” – Ken Moran (Open Churches NOW 100%: Introduction to Wise As Serpents Series)

Christian, you cannot serve both God and Satan, and to obey the throne of iniquity of civil authority which frames and makes mischief by law (Psalm 94:20) is to serve the latter.

“Each person that came here today, of the hundreds who attended, is risking a 12 hundred dollar fine to worship in their community of believers, as they are called to do. Now, the congregants tell me they will obey God rather than the government because they do not subscribe to the religion of fear and they do not worship at the golden calf of the health bureaucracy. And they are calling on other churches to open, not in solidarity, but because it’s right, because it is what they are supposed to do.” – Sheila Gunn Reid (GraceLife Supporters Call on More Churches to Reopen as Pastor James Remains in Custody)

We do come here out of disobedience but we come here rather out of obedience to the Lord. And these are true believers here because they stand up.” – Christian brother and congregant at Heights Baptist Church, Medicine Hat, Alberta (“Without Hope, People Have Nothing”: Pastor Criticizes Alberta COVID-19 Response)

It is important for me to stand up and to do what God calls us to do, which is follow Him and to lead others to Him when there is fear in the world, and you see politicians spreading fear, and then looking to try and be a saviour. Sorry, we’ve already got one it’s Jesus, and you are not [Him]. So we’ve got to stand upit’s time to start acting and not just speaking. – Christian sister and congregant at Heights Baptist Church, Medicine Hat, Alberta “Without Hope, People Have Nothing”: Pastor Criticizes Alberta COVID-19 Response)

“People keep asking us what can we do for you? Open you churches. Take your stand for the Lord Jesus Christ…” – Erin Coates (Erin Coates, Wife of Jailed Canadian Pastor James Coates Speaks in Front of the Jail Feb 20, 2021)

Christian people, wake up and STOP supporting the great COVID lie and the idolatry of secular statism and atheism which it feeds. You are to be the builders of Christ’s not the devil’s kingdom.

Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD. – Jeremiah 17:5.

Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of? – Isaiah 2:22.


The abysmal and disgraceful failure of Christian leadership during the coronavirus scare-demic – Part 5


The abysmal and disgraceful failure of Christian leadership during the coronavirus scare-demic – Part 7