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My Lectures
Christian Church & The Covid State-Cult
Christian leaders appear to be very ignorant of the scope and sphere of jurisdiction of the civil government, and in capitulating to government-mandated church shutdowns, declaring the churches non-essential, they have committed a treacherous act of idolatry and public blasphemy
Zoom church is failing to feed the needy sheep, it is also dishonouring the Lord by failing to take communion in remembrance of His suffering. Zoom church is no substitute for in-person Christian gathering and perpetuates the problem of isolation, loneliness, hopelessness and despair. The true church is a care facility and to shut its doors to hurting and needy people is both irresponsible and cowardly! Pastors who have closed their churches have thus abdicated their Christ-delegated duty
By not doing their own fact-checks on COVID-19, and by failing to uphold God’s Law on contagion (Leviticus 13), as well as His Law on civil government’s role and sphere of jurisdiction (Romans 13), the blind churchmen have been leading the blind church people right into the hellish idolatry of full-fledged statist tyranny. And so instead of acting as checks to government authoritarianism they are helping to establish it!
The same public health order that permits death by abortion, cancellation of essential medical care, mass starvation due to economic collapse, and despair-driven suicide, prohibits or severely limits church gatherings and yet most church leaders are obeying it
Bowing down to pseudoscientific dictatorship, Covidiocracy and government’s gross hypocrisy is not Christ-honouring and yet most Christians are doing so
Affirming people in their delusions which make them slaves to a new fascist state-cult is not loving, and yet most Christian leaders are doing so
By being ignorant of history, or pretending to be so, the vast majority of the churchmen are either not seeing, or pretending not to see it being repeated to the detriment of their own flocks and society at large. In this they are further aiding the demonization of Christian faithful who refuse to blindly submit to government tyranny, and who thus defy godless rules which forbid that which God commands, and allow that which God forbids, hates and abhors
COVID-19 Fast Facts